Publication: Monitor Volume: 1 Issue: 1

Moscow’s unilateral cease-fire completely broke down over the weekend, Interfax reported May 1. Russian forces said that they had been attacked in Grozny and elsewhere and were returning fire. In other developments, the head of a delegation from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe said that Russian forces were using means that “go beyond the framework of military operations” aimed at restoring the Russian constitutional order there. The “grim prognoses” about the Chechen conflict spreading were coming true, Segodnya reported April 25. Chechen forces, the paper said, are now active in the neighboring republic of Daghestan. And despite the efforts of American, Chechen and Russian search teams, no information has turned up about the whereabouts of American relief specialist Fred Cuny, who has been missing since April 9.

Yeltsin Signs Unpopular Military Draft Law.