Jihadis React to Mumbai Attacks
Publication: Terrorism Focus Volume: 5 Issue: 42

In an article entitled, “The Secret Behind India’s Joy over the Mumbai Incident,” Hamid al-Ali alleges that the attacks came right after a training exercise for U.S. officials in which a map of Pakistan was included in the training scenario showing Pakistan dismantled into smaller states. The Mumbai attacks followed this conspiracy by the United States and India, says al-Ali, claiming that the end objective is to dismantle the only Islamic country armed with nuclear weapons.
The map in question was first published to accompany an article by retired Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters in the June 2006 issue of Armed Forces Journal, but copies are only now being circulated in Pakistan as proof of America’s intention to dismember Pakistan by joining the North-West Frontier Province to Afghanistan and severing Baluchistan as part of a new “Free Baluchistan,” leaving the remainder of “natural” Pakistan as a much reduced nation lying almost entirely east of the Indus River. Al-Ali’s “training exercise for U.S. officials” is just part of the mythology that has grown around this document as it circulates in Pakistan.
An Islamabad daily mocked the importance ascribed to this map by Pakistan’s elites:
Secondly, India is endeavoring to dismantle Pakistan under the pretext that Pakistan is the springboard for all global jihadi movements. Al-Ali reiterates India’s role in instigating the West against Pakistan. India’s argument, says al-Ali, is that the “Taliban movement sprung from Pakistan, where the most dangerous terrorists reside in Pakistan’s Waziristan. Pakistan is overloaded with religious schools filling Muslims’ minds with Takfiri ideology. Pakistan is the only Islamic nuclear state vehemently interacting with Islamic issues.” Al-Ali goes on to elucidate the many services and favors India rendered to Israel to win the support of the West against Pakistan. Finally, al-Ali predicts Indian escalation and possible all out war, backed by the United States, against the mujahideen in Kashmir with the collusion of the corrupt president of Pakistan, Asif Zardari.
Al-Ali’s analysis received many comments from jihadi forum members. Although corroborating al-Ali’s conspiracy theory in general, some jihadi forum chatters raised three main arguments on the Mumbai attacks. One forum member disagreed with al-Ali’s insinuation that the Indian intelligence services were behind the attacks with the intent of undermining Pakistan, saying “It’s insane to think that such young men would pay with their lives for India’s possible political conspiracy against Pakistan.” Other critics, working on the assumption that the Pakistani Taliban was responsible, rebuffed the premise that the group had made a strategic mistake by attacking India. On the contrary, the Taliban would force Pakistan to redeploy its military from the border with Afghanistan to the border with India, consequently relieving pressure on the Taliban and al-Qaeda.
Another forum member posted a summary of what he claimed was a Rand Corporation study predicting the partition of Pakistan into small emirates as a result of religious, ethnic and sectarian rivalry. Small political entities would emerge from the dismantling of Pakistan in Baluchistan, Sindh, and Punjab.
Some forum members believe that the Mumbai perpetrators are Muslims from Pakistani- controlled Kashmir. Without consideration to the repercussions on Pakistani-Indian political affairs, the attackers struck Mumbai to seek revenge Hindu violations of Muslim honor. A link to a free file-hosting website was posted in muslm.net showing instances of Hindu aggression against Indian Muslims; thereafter even moderate Islamic forum members were convinced the Mumbai attacks were justified.
The majority of forum members are convinced that al-Qaeda was involved in the attacks one way or another, pointing to a video by al-Qaeda delivered to news agencies in the Indian city of Sringar last year. In the alleged al-Qaeda video a man calling himself Abu Abdulrahman al-Ansari claimed to be a high ranking member of al-Qaeda and threatened to wage holy war against India (abrar.org June 8, 2007). Whether the Pakistani army decides to track down Islamic movements in Kashmir or is forced into a confrontation with the Indian army, it will ease Pakistani pressure on the tribal areas where the Pakistani Taliban operates.