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SPAIN’S GUARDIA CIVIL SEIZES TERRORIST MANUAL ADVOCATING “SECRECY IN JIHAD”Spain’s Guardia Civil has released details of a terrorist manual discovered in the Catalonian home of Muhammad Mrabet, a Moroccan national accused of organizing an al-Qaeda cell that sent prospective suicide bombers to Iraq. The most... MORE


SOMALI CONFLICT SPILLS OVER INTO KENYAKenyan security agencies were put on high alert on October 30 in response to threats from Somalia’s al-Shabaab movement. Al-Shabaab leader Shaykh Mukhtar Robow “Abu Mansur” issued a threat in mid-October to begin “a jihadi war in Kenya” if Kenya... MORE


MYSTERY OF ARMS SHIP SEIZED BY SOMALI PIRATES GROWS DEEPER In the holds of the Ukrainian cargo-ship MV Faina, seized by Somali pirates in September, are 33 Russian-designed T-72 battle tanks and a substantial cargo of grenade launchers, anti-aircraft guns, small arms and ammunition. Kenya... MORE


PAKISTANI ISLAMIST FATWA REFUTES TALIBAN’S JIHAD In a surprising move, a group of Pakistani clerics best known for their hardline views on Islam’s role in society have gathered to issue a fatwa condemning suicide-bombing and the current trend of individuals or organizations declaring jihad against... MORE

Al-Qaeda Outlines Its Strategy Seven Years After 9/11

On the seventh anniversary of 9/11, jihadi internet forum members posted a variety of messages recalling and celebrating al-Qaeda’s terrorist attacks in the United States, or, as the jihadis refer to it, “the victorious invasion of Manhattan.” One frequent poster and well-known member of the... MORE


AL-QAEDA IN THE ISLAMIC MAGHREB CALLS FOR JIHAD IN MAURITANIA Eleven soldiers and one civilian were abducted by AQIM after a September 15 ambush in the Tourin area of Tiris Zemmour province, near the iron-ore mining town of Zouerate. The missing men were found decapitated... MORE