Latest Briefs
The Jihadi Quest for Home-Made Air Transport
A previous issue of Terrorism Focus examined jihadi attempts to produce anthrax and concluded that without the proper aerosol equipment, jihadis are unlikely to launch a biological attack in the foreseeable future (Terrorism Focus, March 11). Though the problem of aerosolization has not yet been... MORE
An Online Terrorist Training Manual – Part Three: Striking U.S. Embassies
This issue of Terrorism Focus will conclude the look at the terrorist training lessons of Shamil al-Baghdadi, posted on a pro-al-Qaeda website (, March 22). Episodes five and six of the training discuss the perpetration of “quality terror attacks”—high-impact, high-risk operations that include tourist abductions,... MORE
IRAQI AL-QAEDA TRAINER IN WAZIRISTAN RELEASES VIDEO An important but elusive al-Qaeda operative based in the Afghanistan/Pakistan border region has released a videotape calling for jihad against the United States and its allies until final victory (The News [Islamabad], April 9). The veteran Iraqi jihadi,... MORE
An Online Terrorist Training Manual – Part Two: Assassinations and Robberies
The last issue of Terrorism Focus discussed the first two of six terrorist training lessons posted on a pro-al-Qaeda jihadi forum (Terrorism Focus, April 1). These lessons, dealing with the creation of a terrorist cell, also briefly touched on the subject of assassination techniques. This... MORE
GERMAN FORCES IN AFGHANISTAN WARNED OF ATTACKS BY GERMAN ISLAMISTS Germany’s Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (BKA) announced on April 3 that “potentially threatened institutions in Afghanistan,” including bases of the German Bundeswehr, had been warned of possible terrorist attacks from two German citizens (DDP,... MORE
An Online Terrorist Training Manual – Part One: Creating a Terrorist Cell
Jihadis continue to pursue terror training and knowledge exchange with fellow jihadis through Internet forums. Often, the jihadi forum participants post short, though significant, details pertinent to terror conduct drawn from real life experience in Iraq and Afghanistan. Recently, a forum participant posted six training... MORE
Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb Projects Regional Force
On March 10, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) issued a statement to jihadi forums claiming the abduction of two Austrian tourists on Tunisian soil (al-Jazeera, March 10). Though it is uncertain whether the two were actually still in Tunisia at the time of their... MORE
Jihadi Forums Detail Tactical Use of Silenced Weapons in Iraq
The latest insurgency technique of using silenced handguns to kill U.S. and government forces in Iraq is discussed in two different jihadi internet forums (, March 18;, March 17). Over five days, Islamist forum participants discussed the use of silenced weapons in killing Iraqi... MORE