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GERMAN FORCES IN AFGHANISTAN WARNED OF ATTACKS BY GERMAN ISLAMISTS Germany’s Federal Office of Criminal Investigation (BKA) announced on April 3 that “potentially threatened institutions in Afghanistan,” including bases of the German Bundeswehr, had been warned of possible terrorist attacks from two German citizens (DDP,... MORE


TURKISH MILITARY USES ISRAELI UAV IN PINPOINT STRIKE ON PKK In a striking display of the usefulness of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in counter-insurgent warfare, Turkey’s military followed up the discovery of a group of PKK guerrillas in the southeastern province of Sirnak with a... MORE

Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb Projects Regional Force

On March 10, al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) issued a statement to jihadi forums claiming the abduction of two Austrian tourists on Tunisian soil (al-Jazeera, March 10). Though it is uncertain whether the two were actually still in Tunisia at the time of their... MORE


FATWA IN TRIBAL PAKISTAN DECLARES TALIBAN “OUT OF ISLAM” A new fatwa (religious ruling) issued in the Pashtun Darra Adam Khel region of Pakistan’s North-West Frontier Province declares the Taliban to be “out of Islam” as a result of their violence, failure to follow Islamic... MORE

Iraqi Turkmen Announce Formation of New Jihadi Group

A new Turkmen jihadist group calling itself “the Martyr Saighan Battalion” has released a communiqué announcing its creation and intention to join the insurgency in Iraq (, February 15). The new formation is non-Arab, drawing its members from Iraq’s Turkmen community. The Turkmen are the... MORE


AL-QAEDA IN AFGHANISTAN URGES PROFESSIONALS TO JOIN MUJAHIDEEN In a 47-minute video statement, the commander of al-Qaeda’s forces in Afghanistan issued an appeal for professionals such as physicians and engineers to join the jihad against Coalition forces in that country (Al-Sahab Media Production Organization, March... MORE