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ASSASSINATION LISTS OF BAATHISTS DISTRIBUTED IN SOUTHERN IRAQ During the Iraq-Iran war of 1980-1988, the Iraqi government created the "Popular Army," a military contingent consisting of volunteers and commanded by senior Baath Party leaders. The purpose of the formation was to reinforce the army on... MORE


SUICIDE ATTACKS SPREAD TO ISLAMABAD In the wake of the Pakistani government's security operation against Lal Masjid (Red Mosque), suicide bombers have begun to strike the capital. On July 27, a suicide bomber killed at least 14 people at Islamabad's Aabpara market. As part of... MORE


NEW IRAQI INSURGENT GROUP PUBLISHES FOUNDING STATEMENT On July 3, jihadi websites posted a statement issued by a new insurgent group in Iraq called the Patriotic National Islamic Front for the Liberation of Iraq. The group, which was allegedly formed in the beginning of July,... MORE

Jihadi Ideologue Justifies Attacks on Muslim Governments

A recent posting in the Islamist internet forum demonstrates the points of contention among the proponents and detractors of the jihad. The posting, entitled "To Those Hostile to the Mujahideen and their Methods," is authored by the user al-Jethami, who refutes allegations that the... MORE

Morocco Raises Terrorist Alert Level to Maximum

On July 7, Moroccan Interior Minister Chakib Benmoussa took an extraordinary measure by raising the terrorist alert level for the kingdom to "maximum." According to information released by the ministry, the decision was made on the basis of "reliable intelligence" indicating that Morocco is the... MORE


PAKISTANI MEDIA CALLS RED MOSQUE INCIDENT AN INTELLIGENCE FAILURE The Pakistani newspaper The News published a report on July 13 that questioned how it was possible for the Lal Masjid (Red Mosque) administration to smuggle in large quantities of arms and ammunition, especially considering that... MORE


ANSAR AL-ISLAM IN THE MUSLIM DESERT RELEASES NEW WARNING On May 1, the website posted a warning to the Moroccan government that "Ansar al-Islam in the Muslim Desert" has declared "jihad against this agent government headed by Mohammed the Sixth, and all the agent... MORE

JI Weakened, Yet Potential for Violence Remains

The June arrests of two important Jemaah Islamiya (JI) leaders, Abu Dujana and Zarkasih (also known as Abu Nu'aim), along with their aides, is a major blow to the network and will weaken it significantly (The Jakarta Post, June 25; Terrorism Focus, June 19). Yet,... MORE


TALIBAN'S VOICE OF SHARIA RETURNS TO THE AIR According to the July 4 issue of Kabul Weekly, the Taliban's Shariat Shagh (Voice of Sharia) radio station is back on the air in several Afghan provinces. The station broadcasts on FM 88.00 and can be heard... MORE