Latest Briefs
Wad Banda Raid Shows Khartoum Losing Control of Darfur Conflict
A daring rebel raid 200 kilometers into the Sudanese province of Kordofan suggests that the Darfur conflict may actually be spreading, despite the initiation of Darfur peace negotiations in Tanzania last month. At 4 PM on August 29, four columns of fighters from Darfur's Justice... MORE
JAILED TALIBAN LEADERS PLAN MILITARY OFFENSIVES FROM PRISON A September 4 report on Afghanistan's Aina TV explained how jailed Taliban leaders in Kabul's Pol-e Charkhi Prison have been able to coordinate attacks against Afghan and foreign forces in Helmand province. The network interviewed the head... MORE
Yemen Faces Second Generation of Islamist Militants
The July 2 suicide attack in Marib, which killed eight Spanish tourists and two Yemeni drivers, painfully illustrated the degree to which Al-Qaeda in Yemen has reorganized itself into an effective force (Terrorism Focus, July 10). The Yemeni government was caught largely unaware by the... MORE
HAMAS-IRAQ PUBLISHES PIONEERS OF GLORY MAGAZINE In March, Iraq's 1920 Revolution Brigades splintered into two corps, one of which retained the name 1920 Revolution Brigades and the other calling itself Hamas-Iraq (Terrorism Focus, April 10). In July, Hamas-Iraq released its first magazine, which was published... MORE
Nigerian Militants Target Children in Kidnap-for-Ransom Schemes
In Nigeria's delta region, where large oil and gas resources are located, there are various armed groups threatening stability. These groups range from youth gangs to more organized militias to vigilantes. While these armed groups have been involved in kidnapping expatriate energy workers, in recent... MORE
ASSASSINATION LISTS OF BAATHISTS DISTRIBUTED IN SOUTHERN IRAQ During the Iraq-Iran war of 1980-1988, the Iraqi government created the "Popular Army," a military contingent consisting of volunteers and commanded by senior Baath Party leaders. The purpose of the formation was to reinforce the army on... MORE
Jihadi Ideologue Justifies Attacks on Muslim Governments
A recent posting in the Islamist internet forum demonstrates the points of contention among the proponents and detractors of the jihad. The posting, entitled "To Those Hostile to the Mujahideen and their Methods," is authored by the user al-Jethami, who refutes allegations that the... MORE
Morocco Raises Terrorist Alert Level to Maximum
On July 7, Moroccan Interior Minister Chakib Benmoussa took an extraordinary measure by raising the terrorist alert level for the kingdom to "maximum." According to information released by the ministry, the decision was made on the basis of "reliable intelligence" indicating that Morocco is the... MORE