Latest Briefs

Kenya Braces for Muslim Protests in Mombasa

As Kenya prepares to host the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) World Cross-Country Championships on March 24, the country's Muslim community has planned a series of protests timed to coincide with the championship games in Mombasa. The protests have developed out of a series... MORE


ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ TARGETS MINESWEEPING UNITS Al-Jazeera television on March 6 announced that al-Furqan Media Production Establishment, which is the media unit of the Islamic State of Iraq, recently posted a video called "Minesweeper Hunters." The video displays insurgents launching attacks on U.S. minesweeping... MORE

IED Manufacturing Laboratory Discovered in Saudi Capital

Terrorist training materials are easily accessible on jihadi websites and forums and contain accurate information about military tactics, explosives, rocket technology and intelligence craftsmanship. The extent to which Islamist militants utilize these training materials is evident in the many cases of uncovered terrorist cells in... MORE


RADICAL PAKISTANI CLERIC AVOIDS ARREST AND THREATENS POLICE Maulana Fazalullah, also known as "Maulana Radio," warned the Pakistani police recently not to arrest him otherwise his "supporters will not leave the attacking policemen alive" (Dawn, March 4). Fazalullah is the acting leader of Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat- e-Mohammadi... MORE

PJAK Claims Fresh Attacks in Iran

In recent months, fighters from the Iranian Kurdish group, the Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan (PJAK), have clashed several times with Iranian government forces. At the end of February, Iran launched a counter-offensive against the group in the northeast of Iran's West Azerbaijan... MORE

French Intel Report Warns of Possible Terror Attack During Elections

According to a leaked secret French report examined by the Arab newspaper al-Hayat, Osama bin Laden plans to repeat the "Spanish scenario" by attacking selected French targets during the upcoming April presidential election campaign in an attempt to influence the results (al-Hayat, February 9). According... MORE


MILITANT GROUP THREATENS VIOLENCE IN SOMALIA Somalia's newly declared insurgent group, al-Harakah al-Muqawamah al-Sha'biyah fi al-Bilad al-Hijratayn (The Popular Resistance Movement in the Land of the Two Migrations, PRMLTM), issued a warning to Ugandan troops, threatening them with "bullets from heavy guns, exploding cars and... MORE

Baloch Nationalists Up the Ante in Iran

A February 14 car bomb attack against a bus carrying Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) units outside of Zahedan in Iran's southeastern province of Sistan-Balochistan is the latest example of tensions and violence between ethnic Baloch nationalists and Tehran. Eleven IRGC members were killed... MORE

Chlorine Attack Reflects Ongoing Militant Strategy in Iraq

For at least the third time this year, insurgents in Iraq have incorporated canisters of liquefied chlorine into vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices. The latest of these attacks came on February 21, and left several dead and scores suffering from exposure to the dispersed chlorine in... MORE