Latest Briefs
- Death of Rebel Field Commander Confirmed The separatist Kavkaz-Center website on March 23 confirmed that the commander of the rebel’s northeastern front, Takhir Bataev, aka Amir Takhir, was killed in a battle with “armed infidels and hypocrites” in Gudermes on March 21. Meanwhile, the... MORE
1920 REVOLUTION BRIGADES SPLITS IN TWO On March 18, the jihadi website posted a March 9 announcement from Iraq's 1920 Revolution Brigades, in which the coalition of militant groups stated that they would be splintering into two separate corps. According to the statement, the... MORE
Jemaah Islamiya Still a Potent Force for Violence in Southeast Asia
While many have written off Jemaah Islamiya (JI), the Southeast Asian terrorist group responsible for two in bombings in Bali in 2002 and 2005 and two in Jakarta in 2003 (the JW Marriott hotel) and 2004 (the Australian Embassy), arrests across Java in the past... MORE
JIHADI FORUM WARNS OF BETRAYEL BY SUNNI ARAB TRIBES IN AL-ANBAR The al-Anbar Salvation Council, a collection of tribes in al-Anbar Province that are against the presence of al-Qaeda elements, recently announced that two new Iraqi tribes have joined their coalition (, March 8). The... MORE
Kenya Braces for Muslim Protests in Mombasa
As Kenya prepares to host the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) World Cross-Country Championships on March 24, the country's Muslim community has planned a series of protests timed to coincide with the championship games in Mombasa. The protests have developed out of a series... MORE
ISLAMIC STATE OF IRAQ TARGETS MINESWEEPING UNITS Al-Jazeera television on March 6 announced that al-Furqan Media Production Establishment, which is the media unit of the Islamic State of Iraq, recently posted a video called "Minesweeper Hunters." The video displays insurgents launching attacks on U.S. minesweeping... MORE
IED Manufacturing Laboratory Discovered in Saudi Capital
Terrorist training materials are easily accessible on jihadi websites and forums and contain accurate information about military tactics, explosives, rocket technology and intelligence craftsmanship. The extent to which Islamist militants utilize these training materials is evident in the many cases of uncovered terrorist cells in... MORE
Online Islamists Attempt to Recruit Fighters for the Somali Jihad
Since the fall of Somalia's Islamic Courts Union (ICU) in late December 2006, the online jihadi community has been abuzz with web postings and material promoting the struggle in the Horn of Africa. Although it cannot be stated at this point that this heightened activity... MORE
RADICAL PAKISTANI CLERIC AVOIDS ARREST AND THREATENS POLICE Maulana Fazalullah, also known as "Maulana Radio," warned the Pakistani police recently not to arrest him otherwise his "supporters will not leave the attacking policemen alive" (Dawn, March 4). Fazalullah is the acting leader of Tehreek-e-Nafaz-e-Shariat- e-Mohammadi... MORE
PJAK Claims Fresh Attacks in Iran
In recent months, fighters from the Iranian Kurdish group, the Party for a Free Life in Kurdistan (PJAK), have clashed several times with Iranian government forces. At the end of February, Iran launched a counter-offensive against the group in the northeast of Iran's West Azerbaijan... MORE