Latest Briefs


AL-QAEDA IN THE ISLAMIC MAGHREB LAUNCHES NEW ATTACK On February 13, seven bombs ripped through Algeria, leaving six people dead. The attacks took place in the Boumerdes and Tizi Ouzou districts, about 30 miles east of Algiers, and consisted of car bombs targeting police and... MORE

Yemen Accuses Iran of Meddling in its Internal Affairs

In late January, a new round of fighting broke out between the Shabab al-Muminayn (The Believing Youth) and Yemeni forces in the northern governorate of Sa'dah. Government sources put the combined death toll at nearly 100, although the actual numbers are likely far higher. Like... MORE


ATTACKS ON OIL INTERESTS IN NIGERIA ESCALATE DRAMATICALLY During the year of 2006, approximately 70 foreigners involved in Nigeria's energy industry were taken hostage by militants. Just in January of this year, more than 50 foreigners were taken hostage, an alarming increase from the previous... MORE

Radical Islamists Target the UAE

The ruling Gulf monarchies are frequent targets of radical Islamist militant discourse on Arabic-language website discussion forums, with the Saudi royal family drawing the most ire. Islamist militants view the Gulf monarchies as heretical and apostate regimes akin to other regional governments considered illegitimate, tyrannical... MORE

Baghdad Sniper Gains Legendary Status

Snipers targeting U.S. soldiers in Baghdad and in other Iraqi cities garnered attention on jihadi forums in early 2005. It was not until November 2005, however, that these shootings received extensive press coverage when U.S. forces announced a reward for any information leading to the... MORE


AL-FAJR MEDIA CENTER RELEASES HIGH TECHNOLOGY JOURNAL The al-Fajr Media Center, a jihadi news agency connected to the Islamic Army in Iraq, launched a new journal series on how to use high technology for jihad. The first issue of the publication, called Al-Mujahid al-Tiqani (The... MORE

Suicide Bomber Strikes on the Syria-Lebanon Border

On November 28, Syria was hit by another terrorist attack. The story, as usual, is murky and not much information is available on the background of the man who blew himself up on the Syrian-Lebanese border (Lebanese Broadcasting Corporation, November 28). The terrorist attack comes... MORE

Jihadi Forum Outlines Use of Poisons for Terrorist Attacks

Jihadi attempts to procure lethal and destructive weapons are endless. It is especially disturbing when they attempt to experiment with and acquire chemical and biological weapons. One recent post on a jihadi website outlined a user's attempts at mixing chemical components to create deadly substances... MORE


PHILIPPINES ISSUES ALERT FOR AL-QAEDA OPERATIVES WITH INDIAN PASSPORTS The Philippines' Justice Department recently released a two-page memorandum for immigration supervisors, warning that al-Qaeda operatives may be attempting to infiltrate the country using forged Indian passports (Daily Tribune, November 25). The memorandum, drafted by Justice... MORE