Latest Briefs
French Intel Report Warns of Possible Terror Attack During Elections
According to a leaked secret French report examined by the Arab newspaper al-Hayat, Osama bin Laden plans to repeat the "Spanish scenario" by attacking selected French targets during the upcoming April presidential election campaign in an attempt to influence the results (al-Hayat, February 9). According... MORE
MILITANT GROUP THREATENS VIOLENCE IN SOMALIA Somalia's newly declared insurgent group, al-Harakah al-Muqawamah al-Sha'biyah fi al-Bilad al-Hijratayn (The Popular Resistance Movement in the Land of the Two Migrations, PRMLTM), issued a warning to Ugandan troops, threatening them with "bullets from heavy guns, exploding cars and... MORE
Baloch Nationalists Up the Ante in Iran
A February 14 car bomb attack against a bus carrying Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) units outside of Zahedan in Iran's southeastern province of Sistan-Balochistan is the latest example of tensions and violence between ethnic Baloch nationalists and Tehran. Eleven IRGC members were killed... MORE
Chlorine Attack Reflects Ongoing Militant Strategy in Iraq
For at least the third time this year, insurgents in Iraq have incorporated canisters of liquefied chlorine into vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices. The latest of these attacks came on February 21, and left several dead and scores suffering from exposure to the dispersed chlorine in... MORE
Yemen Accuses Iran of Meddling in its Internal Affairs
In late January, a new round of fighting broke out between the Shabab al-Muminayn (The Believing Youth) and Yemeni forces in the northern governorate of Sa'dah. Government sources put the combined death toll at nearly 100, although the actual numbers are likely far higher. Like... MORE
Sawt al-Jihad Calls for Attacks on Western Energy Interests
Since Osama bin Laden first spoke about the necessity of targeting the oil industry in order to damage the U.S. economy, there has been a clear shift in al-Qaeda's operational strategy. Moreover, just months after al-Qaeda deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahiri called on his fellow mujahideen... MORE
ATTACKS ON OIL INTERESTS IN NIGERIA ESCALATE DRAMATICALLY During the year of 2006, approximately 70 foreigners involved in Nigeria's energy industry were taken hostage by militants. Just in January of this year, more than 50 foreigners were taken hostage, an alarming increase from the previous... MORE
Radical Islamists Target the UAE
The ruling Gulf monarchies are frequent targets of radical Islamist militant discourse on Arabic-language website discussion forums, with the Saudi royal family drawing the most ire. Islamist militants view the Gulf monarchies as heretical and apostate regimes akin to other regional governments considered illegitimate, tyrannical... MORE
Baghdad Sniper Gains Legendary Status
Snipers targeting U.S. soldiers in Baghdad and in other Iraqi cities garnered attention on jihadi forums in early 2005. It was not until November 2005, however, that these shootings received extensive press coverage when U.S. forces announced a reward for any information leading to the... MORE