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LeT RECRUITING AFGHAN REFUGEES TO SUPPORT TALIBAN IN AFGHANISTAN According to an October 5 report on Afghan National Television, members of Pakistan's Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) party have been persuading Afghan refugees to take up arms against the Afghan government. The report cites Bakhar Information Agency stating... MORE


KURDISTAN FREEDOM FALCONS DAMAGE TURKEY-IRAN GAS PIPELINE According to Copenhagen-based Roj TV on September 29, the Kurdistan Freedom Falcons (TAK) claimed responsibility for an attack on the Turkey-Iran natural gas pipeline. The attack, which occurred on the night of September 28 on the Iranian side... MORE

New Website Incites Electronic Jihad

The latest criticism of Islam being a violent religion, which was sparked by incendiary comments made by Pope Benedict XVI, has caused internet jihadis to launch a new website called Electronic Jihad, located at The purpose of the website is to help organize an... MORE

Kenyan Media Urges Caution in Resolving Somalia Crisis

On September 24, Somalia's Islamic Courts Union (ICU) moved further south and took control of the port city of Kismayo near the Kenyan border. With the Islamist movement moving closer to Kenya, public debate in the country is raging. The Kenyan press has warned the... MORE

Pope’s Statements Bolster Radical Islamist Propaganda Efforts

As the fallout from Pope Benedict XVI's recent controversial speech continues to resonate across the Arab and Muslim world through street protests, official condemnations and even sporadic incidents of violence, radical Islamists have been busy waging their own attacks against the Vatican on Arabic language... MORE


CASE PENDING IN ALGERIA FOR GSPC MILITANTS WHO RECRUITED FOR AL-QAEDA According to the September 25 issue of Algeria's El Khabar newspaper, the Algerian government is planning on prosecuting two Algerians for recruiting insurgents to fight in Iraq. One suspect, who has only been identified... MORE

Hat Yai Bombings Mark Shift in Tactics by Thai Insurgents

On September 16, approximately six bombs went off in the southern Thai city of Hat Yai. The bombs killed at least four people, including a Canadian citizen, and wounded around 50 more (Bangkok Post, September 16). Although there was no claim of responsibility—true with all... MORE


ALGERIA'S GSPC JOINS THE AL-QAEDA NETWORK On September 13, the leader of Algeria's Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat (GSPC) announced the group's affiliation with Osama bin Laden and the al-Qaeda network. According to leader Abu Musab Abdel-Wadoud, "After consultations, we decided to announce allegiance... MORE

New Moderate Leader in Somalia’s ICU Gains Prominence

On Monday, September 18, explosions ripped through Baidoa, the seat of Somalia's Transitional Federal Government (TFG). One of the blasts occurred outside a building where TFG President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed spoke only 10 minutes earlier, and the blast destroyed vehicles part of the presidential convoy... MORE