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Internet Jihadis React to Alleged Nuclear Plot on the United States

Recent reports indicating al-Qaeda's preparations for a nuclear attack in the United States by al-Qaeda's alleged nuclear expert, Adnan El-Shukrijumah, has prompted conflicting reactions among Islamists in the jihadi forums (Terrorism Focus, September 12; al-Arabiya, September 11). The jihadi forums described the possible nuclear attack,... MORE


JOURNALIST HAMID MIR WARNS OF AL-QAEDA NUCLEAR PLOT AGAINST THE U.S. According to an al-Arabiya report from September 11, Hamid Mir, the Pakistani journalist who has interviewed Osama bin Laden numerous times, has warned that the al-Qaeda leader is preparing new attacks in the United... MORE

LeT Threat to Indian Nuclear Facilities Remains a Serious Concern

During the past year, nuclear security has leapfrogged up the political agenda in India after a series of intelligence leaks revealed that terrorists might be targeting India's expanding nuclear infrastructure. These threats and possible security breaches have led the Indian government to reorganize and enhance... MORE

Bosnian Authorities Plan to Deport Former Islamic Fighters

Bosnian authorities have announced plans to deport 50 naturalized citizens, mostly former Islamic fighters, according to a Bosnian commission for citizenship revision, which also reportedly acknowledged that among those slated for deportation is one with suspected links to al-Qaeda. Thus far, the commission has revoked... MORE


RATE OF VIOLENCE INCREASES IN SOUTHERN THAILAND The rate of violence in southern Thailand has been steadily increasing as insurgents continue to mount coordinated bomb attacks against government, military and commercial interests. The latest coordinated attacks were executed on August 31, when insurgents targeted at... MORE

Pakistani Authorities Struggle to Tie Rauf to London Plot

As more details surface regarding the recent London terrorism plot to destroy U.S. bound airliners over the Atlantic Ocean, Pakistani and British security officials remain fixated on the group's alleged ringleader, Rashid Rauf, a British citizen of Pakistani origin with roots in Kashmir, currently held... MORE


EGYPT'S MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD INCREASINGLY SUPPORTIVE OF HEZBOLLAH Since the start of the latest Israel-Lebanon conflict, the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood (MB) in Egypt has increasingly offered verbal support to the Shiite Hezbollah movement. The general guide of the MB, Muhammad Mahdi Akif, announced that 10,000 MB... MORE