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The Sino-Russian Race to sell Arms

By Sergei ZaitsevIn 1989, following the Tiananmen Square incident, China was chastised by all of her suitors. The U.S., France, and Britain, all of whom eagerly sold weapons to China throughout the 1980’s, slapped Beijing with an arms embargo that still remains in effect (although... MORE

Russia’s Georgia Policy in Essence

By Giorgi KvelashviliThe leader from the Russian-occupied Georgian region of Abkhazia Sergei Baghapsh will spend two days in Moscow to meet with Russia’s leaders—President Medvedev, Prime Minister Putin, and Patriarch Kirill. As reported by the media, several documents will be signed during his visit, including... MORE

Czeching Out

By Jiri KominekSince Vladimir Putin and his brotherhood of siloviki came to power at the start of the decade, Russia quickly gained a reputation as an exporter of oil, gas and other raw materials; in short, a Saudi-Arabian-like petro state with more trees and less... MORE

Ukraine Preliminary Election Results – What Will Tymoshenko Do?

by Tammy LynchUPDATE (6:30 AM): See below a video clip of Yanukovych speaking during his victory speech, with English translation by AFP. Blog after the video. With almost 92% of the vote counted, it appears that Viktor Yanukovych will hold off Yulia Tymoshenko to win... MORE

Exit Poll Results

by Tammy LynchIt would appear, from the unanimous findings of a multitude of exit polls, that Viktor Yanukovych has done just enough to be name president in Ukraine.Graphs of the exit polls can be found here. In Ukrainian, but Yanukovch is in blue, Tymoshenko in... MORE

Reports of Potential Election Irregularities in Ukraine?

by Tammy Lynch(UPDATE 8 AM EST: The Central Election Commission confirmed the death by apparent heart attack of the Ivano-Frankivsk polling precinct secretary, but said precinct ballots were undisturbed. This contradicts claims by candidate Yulia Tymoshenko's campaign manager that the ballots were missing. See below.)In... MORE

Farewell, Mr. President

Photo Credit: Tammy Lynch. Yushchenko on the screen speaking during "Orange Revolution" in Tammy LynchAs Ukrainians go to the polls today, they will be saying good bye to the man they once supported in what was termed the “Orange Revolution.” President Viktor Yushchenko was... MORE