Watch The Video: How Russia Loses: A Conversation with Thomas Kent

About the Event
Vladimir Putin’s efforts to build influence abroad have succeeded in many places, but the Kremlin has also faced numerous obstacles and defeats. In How Russia Loses: Hubris and Miscalculation in Putin’s Kremlin, Jamestown Senior Fellow Thomas Kent reviews Russian influence operations around the world and missteps that have led to reversals in Russia’s fortunes. Based on an extensive analysis of self-defeating Russian behaviors, Mr. Kent describes in detail how the West can use this knowledge to respond more effectively to Russian influence efforts.
The Jamestown Foundation invites you to watch our event with Mr. Thomas Kent and Jamestown Senior Fellow Margarita Assenova. Mr. Kent discussed his latest book, published by The Jamestown Foundation. The discussion included a Q&A session.
About the Speakers
Thomas Kent is a Senior Fellow at The Jamestown Foundation. He teaches and consults on Russian affairs, journalism, and the problems of propaganda and disinformation. President of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty until 2018, he now teaches at Columbia University and consults for governments, NGOs, and news organizations. He is an associate fellow of Slovakia’s GLOBSEC. Previously, he was Moscow bureau chief for The Associated Press, head of AP’s international news coverage, and editor for standards and ethics. His first book, Striking Back: Overt and Covert Options to Combat Russian Disinformation, was published by Jamestown in 2020.
Margarita Assenova is a Senior Fellow at The Jamestown Foundation. She is a regular contributor to Jamestown’s Eurasia Daily Monitor, covering political and energy security developments in the Balkans and Central Asia. Mrs. Assenova is a recipient of the John Knight Professional Journalism Fellowship at Stanford University for her reporting on nationalism in the Balkans. She has authored book chapters and journal articles on security, energy, and democracy published by CSIS Press, Brassey’s, Freedom House, Bertelsmann Foundation Publishers, the University of New Haven, and The Jamestown Foundation.