MLM April 2024

Militant Leadership Monitor – April 2024

The April 2024 issue of Militant Leadership Monitor starts off with a post-mortem of Nawapi Abdulsaid, an Abu Sayyaf militant infamous for his pro-Islamic State outlook and role in the militant group’s piracy operations. Following the brief, there is a look at Bao Youxiang, architect of the pro-junta United Wa State Army, which is the largest of Myanmar’s ethnic militias. In the next article, the publication offers a retrospective of Satoshi Kirishima and Daniela Klette, two radical left-wing militants from Japan and Germany, respectively, who were recently found after almost five decades. The publication ends with an examination of Yahya Sinwar, the highest-ranking Hamas official in Gaza, and one of two primary masterminds of the “al-Aqsa Flood” operation against Israel on October 7, 2023.