Latest China Brief Articles

Taiwan’s Ballistic-Missile Deterrence and Defense Capabilities

Even as the Obama administration appears to be holding back on U.S. arms sales to Taiwan, seeking to build better relations with Beijing, and while cross-strait relations continue to improve, Taiwan is moving slowly toward the acquisition of a credible missile-defense capability to deter and... MORE

Assessing the PLA Air Force’s Ten Pillars

During Secretary of Defense Robert Gates’ visit to China in January 2011, he stressed the importance of solid military-to-military relations. As a result of his visit, the U.S. Air Force (USAF) and People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) will hopefully engage each other through military... MORE

Hu Emphasizes Stability during Lunar New Year Pilgrimage

On the eve of the Lunar New Year, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Chief and President Hu Jintao visited the prefecture-level city of Baoding in Hebei province (Xinhua News Agency, February 3). The annual spring festival pilgrimage has been used by Chinese leaders as a national... MORE

Special Commentary: Beijing’s Response to Egypt’s Lotus Revolution

Beijing is taking no chances regarding the possible impact that the “color revolutions” raging in North Africa and Middle East may have on China. While news about the dramatic events in Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan and surrounding regions can still be found in the state media,... MORE

The Snow Dragon Moves into the Arctic Ocean Basin

In a warming and changing Arctic, China is stepping up its activities in the Arctic Ocean Basin. While China’s interests and policy objectives in the Arctic Ocean Basin remain unclear, Beijing is increasingly active and vocal on the international stage on issues that concern the... MORE

2011 PLA Military Training: Toward Greater Interoperability

The 2011 directive on military training was just released by the General Staff Department (GSD) of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) on January 14.  The new guidance represents a roadmap for the Chinese military's training year, and could offer important indicators about PLA military... MORE

Hu’s State Visit Exposes Rift in Chinese Foreign Policy

While President Hu Jintao’s state visit to the United States fell short on deliverables such as a speedier pace of appreciation of the renminbi, both leaderships have bolstered high-level exchange mechanisms that could minimize mishaps due to misperceptions and miscalculations. The Joint Statement issued after... MORE