Latest China Brief Articles

PLA Deploys S-300 PMU3/Dongfeng-15A Surface to Air Missiles

In spite of thawing cross-Strait ties, both militaries on each side of the Taiwan Strait remain on high alert. According to multiple Chinese news sources that cite an article first published in Taiwan-based newspaper China Times, the People's Liberation Army (PLA) has reportedly upgraded its... MORE

The New Rules of Cross-Strait Economic Engagement

Three months ago, on April 11th, Taiwan's Vice-President-elect Vincent Siew sat down together with Chinese President Hu Jintao at the Boao Forum, held annually on Hainan Island off China's southern coast. The Boao Forum had never fulfilled its original promise as a Chinese-hosted global conference... MORE

Ma Ying-jeou and the Future of Cross-Strait Relations

While Ma Ying-jeou’s landslide victory at the presidential polls has lowered tension in the Taiwan Strait, and injected a shot of morphine into Taiwan's stock market, it is premature and unrealistic to expect a leap forward in Taipei-Beijing ties any time soon. The future of... MORE

Taiwan’s Defense Ministry Mulls Plan to Downsize Military

Taiwanese Defense Minister Chen Chao-min is reportedly considering plans to cut the Republic of China (Taiwan) military force to about 200,000 to 250,000 in a six year time span, which will require reducing around 6,000 troops each consecutive year (NOWnews [Taiwan], July 1). The plan... MORE

The CCP Strengthens Control over the Judiciary

Chinese President Hu Jintao’s administration has boosted the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) control over the judiciary, a move designed to enhance Beijing’s ability to maintain stability and to crack down on dissent. More powers have been given to the party’s Central Political and Legal Affairs... MORE

Energy Implications of the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake

The May 12, 8.0-magnitude earthquake that struck southwest China with its epicenter at Wenchuan County in Sichuan province imposed a heavy death toll that so far has reached almost 70,000 with more than 17,000 still missing (People’s Daily, June 17). More than a month after... MORE

Nepal Following China’s Economic Path

Two years following the peace agreement that brought an end to 11 years of Maoist insurgency against government forces in Nepal, Girija Prasad Koirala, Nepal’s interim prime minister, has resigned on June 26, paving the way for a Maoist-led government under Communist Party of Nepal... MORE