Latest China Brief Articles

Hu Boosts Power as He Scrambles to Maintain Social Stability

Even assuming that recent reports about President Hu Jintao’s intention to “rehabilitate the reputation” of the late Chinese Communist Party (CCP) chief Hu Yaobang are true, this seems yet another instance of the Chinese supremo’s well-disguised Machiavellianism. Evidence abounds that the 62 year-old CCP General... MORE

China’s Kashmir Policy

Since November 2003, India and Pakistan have effectively maintained a ceasefire along the Line of Control separating their respectively controlled segments of Kashmir. Meanwhile, New Delhi and Islamabad have renewed their efforts to arrive at long-term solutions to this intractable conflict that has dragged the... MORE

Hu Seeks Breakthrough in Forthcoming Summit with Bush

The summit between Presidents Hu Jintao and George W. Bush next month will have a major bearing on not only Sino-US ties, but also the global balance of power in the 21st century. On one level, Hu’s first visit to the U.S. as head of... MORE

Progress and Remaining Obstacles in Sino-Indonesian Relations

The year 2005 is shaping up to be significant for Sino-Indonesian relations. In April, during a state visit to Indonesia by Chinese President Hu Jintao, the two sides agreed to establish a “strategic partnership,” a status China has accorded to only three countries: the United... MORE

The Chinese Perspective on the Recent Astana Summit

A series of radical changes have taken place in Central Asia since the beginning of this year. Termed by some as the “color revolutions,” these political shifts have been discussed alternately as “regime changes” on the one hand, and extremist-fueled turmoil on the other. Whatever... MORE

Beijing’s Bailout of Joint-Stock and State-Owned Banks

In the spring and summer of 2005, the Chinese government successively announced that Central Huijin Company (China State Administration of Foreign Exchange Investments) will recapitalize Galaxy Securities (Yinhe Zhengquan), Southern Securities (Nanfang Zhengquan), Huaxia Securities, Shenyin Wanguo Securities, and Guotai Jun’an Securities. [1] Besides brokerages,... MORE

Hu Jintao’s Driving Influence on Chinese Military Modernization

The People’s Liberation Army is on course to become a much more potent and aggressive force, enabling Beijing to better achieve the ambitious diplomatic and security goals set forth by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s Fourth-Generation leadership. And while the Pentagon’s just-published annual assessment of... MORE

A Strategic Crossroads for Chinese Military Power

The 2005 Department of Defense Annual Report to Congress on “The Military Power of the People’s Republic of China” is to be commended for providing context, up-to-date information, and some new details about the complex subject of the People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) modernization program. [1]... MORE