Latest China Brief Articles

How PRC Diplomatic Messaging Impedes Its Foreign Policy Objectives

In today’s emotionally charged international moment, with populism and “fake news” dominating headlines, it is more important than ever for politicians and diplomats to work together effectively to manage perceptions and address the concerns of partner nations. China has particularly well-known concerns over its inefficient... MORE

Putting Xi’s Imperial Presidency in Perspective

The removal of presidential term limits from China’s state constitution is another step along the road of authoritarian rule for China. However, most observers today seem to miss that this in no way signifies a fundamental shift in the CCP’s mode of governance [1]. Rather,... MORE

In Drive for Tech Independence, Xi Doubles Down on Civil-Military Fusion

Amid growing tensions with the United States over technology and trade, China is elevating civil-military fusion (军民融合) to the center of the country’s cybersecurity and informatization agenda (New America, April 30). “We must grasp the historical opportunity of the current information technology transformation and new... MORE

Concern Mounts in Beijing over Xi’s Aggressive Tactics

Recent days have seen a burst of relatively moderate views from official opinion-makers in China. Global Times chief editor Hu Xijin wrote in his weibo blog last week that “our country has indeed in the recent past adopted some high-sounding rhetoric.” “This has boosted the... MORE

CCP Propaganda against Taiwan Enters the Social Age

At the height of the on-going controversial pension reforms debate in Taiwan, LINE—the most popular messaging application on the island—and internet users reportedly began seeing a flood of messages and numerous websites that falsely claimed that the central government was planning to impose draconian restrictions... MORE

The Rise and Rise of the United Front Work Department under Xi

The March meeting of China’s two national level parliaments, the National People’s Congress and the Chinese Peoples’ Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), was notable for more than just formalizing the abolition of term limits for state president. It also signaled the end of much of the... MORE

Is China Changing the Game in Trans-Polar Shipping?

For more than a decade, Russian policymakers have fruitlessly tried to turn the Northern Sea Route (NSR), which connects Asia and Europe along Russia’s northern coastline, into a viable commercial shipping route (Jamestown Eurasian Daily Monitor, April 29, 2016). PRC financial muscle might finally be... MORE

One Step Forward, One Step Back for PLA Military Education

CCP General Secretary Xi Jinping’s sweeping reorganization of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) in 2016 was meant to shake up ossified bureaucracies, boost operational jointness and technical ability, and refocus the PLA on its mission to “fight and win wars” (China Brief, January 12). It... MORE