Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles
Without Kazakhstani Oil, Odessa-Brody Becomes Brody-Odessa
On July 26-27, Ukraine's state pipeline company UkrTransNafta announced the signing of agreements with Tyumen Oil-British Petroleum (TNK-BP, the Russian-British joint company) on the reverse use of the Odessa-Brody -- henceforth Brody-Odessa -- oil pipeline. The agreements envisage the transit of 9 million tons of... MORE
New Gas Trader To Boost Turkmenistan-Ukraine Transit
On July 29, fully owned subsidiaries of Gazprom and of Austria's Raiffeisen Bank signed agreements establishing a joint gas-trading company, RosUkrEnergoprom. With Gazprom and Raiffeisen each holding half the shares, RosUkrEnergoprom will act as the operating company for gas exports from Turkmenistan to Ukraine via... MORE
Qatar Court Rejects Jailed Russian Agents’ Appeal
A Qatar appeals court on July 29 rejected an appeal by two Russian intelligence agents sentenced to life imprisonment for the February bombing that killed former Chechen separatist president Zelimkhan Yandarbiyev. The presiding judge, Abdullah al-Saadi, told the court that the appeal was rejected in... MORE
Russian Officials Fear Caucasus Attacks Could Spread Westward
Late on the evening of July 28, martial law was declared in Kabardino-Balkaria. According to Radio Liberty, all security forces, police, and internal troops were put on alert. Police stations, hospitals, and public transportation facilities were placed under heavy guard. A correspondent from a radio... MORE
Videotape Shows Basaev And Maskhadov Displaying Seized Ingush Weapons
A new videotape showing Chechen and Ingush insurgents led by warlord Shamil Basaev in a Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD) warehouse in Ingushetia has become topic number one in the Russian media (kavkazcenter.com, July 26). This tape was made in June, when between 200 and... MORE
Ukraine Rephrases Nato Goal
On July 26, the office of President Leonid Kuchma made public a presidential decree that amends Ukraine's military doctrine, deleting the goal of NATO membership. Whether deliberately or by coincidence, the change was published on the day of Kuchma's effusive meeting in Yalta with Russian... MORE
Moscow Leading Campaign To Reorient Osce Activities
On July 24, the head of the OSCE Center in Ashgabat, Ambassador Paraschiva Badescu, had to vacate her post and leave the country because Turkmen authorities refused the OSCE's request for another six-month extension of her accreditation. Such request and extension is typically a routine... MORE
Commentary: How To Turn Moldovans Into A Minority In Their Land
Addressing the OSCE Permanent Council's special session on Moldova, held in Vienna on July 22, U.S. Ambassador Stephan Minikes misinterpreted the recent assault on Moldovan schools in Trans-Dniester as a problem involving an ethnic minority. Minikes cast the issue in those terms no fewer than... MORE
South Ossetian Leader Warns Georgia From Moscow
On July 28 in Moscow, South Ossetia's leader Eduard Kokoev told a news conference that "Abkhazia, Karabakh, and Trans-Dniester are ready to render military assistance to South Ossetia" against Georgia. (NTV, July 28). Coincidentally or not, Trans-Dniester's self-styled "foreign affairs minister" Valery Litskay was in... MORE
Georgian Media Shackled After Rose Revolution
After the Rose Revolution, relations between the Georgian government and local media have increasingly caused concern, because the government has attempted to tame the press by administrative measures under the plausible excuse of establishing the rule of law. Consequentially, some Georgian television stations and newspapers,... MORE