Latest Eurasia Daily Monitor Articles

Russia Deploys S-300 Air Defense Systems in Abkhazia
Russian state news agencies announced today (August 11) that Russia’s armed forces have deployed the advanced S-300 air defense missile systems in Abkhazia, a territory that Moscow recognizes as “independent.” In a parallel move, air defenses of other types have been deployed in the Russian-recognized... MORE

Muhammad Amin: Imam Shamil’s Naib to the Circassians in the Northwest Caucasus
Muhammad (Asiyalo) Amin ibn Hajjio al-Honodi al-Daghestani, Shamil's third naib, was the most significant deputy of the imam in the Northwest Caucasus in the mid 19th century. He occupied an important role in Circassian social, religious and political life for more than a decade (1848-1859),... MORE

Tajik Police Detain Islamic School Leader and Students
On August 1, police in Tajikistan detained Mavlavi Abduqahor, the leader of an unregistered Islamic school in the Rudaki district south of Dushanbe, along with about 70 of his students. According to Tajikistan’s Islamic Revival Party (IRPT), the religious leader and some of his students... MORE

Russia Insults Japan Even As It Seeks Peace and Friendship
As China becomes visibly more aggressive, tensions in Asia are visible, and Russian foreign policy changes to emphasize its economic relations with advanced countries who will sell it technology; it would make sense that Moscow and Tokyo should be drawing closer to each other. Yet,... MORE

Russia Counts on Western Input For Modern Arms Production
On August 2 in Sochi and August 8 in Sukhumi, Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, took personal credit for the military dimension of Russia’s modernization campaign. He also stated that the August 2008 conflict with Georgia catalyzed Russia’s decision to equip its forces with advanced military... MORE

Luzhkov Again Raises Russian Right to Sevastopol
Optimism that the April 27 Black Sea Fleet base extension treaty would calm Russian-Ukrainian relations in the Crimea have been dashed by Moscow’s Mayor, Yury Luzhkov. On July 19, Luzhkov stated that he had not changed his mind about Sevastopol being a Russian city. Ukraine’s... MORE

Major Overhaul of the North Caucasus’ Transit System is Postponed
Russian Transportation Minister, Igor Levitin, toured the North Caucasian republics from July 31 to August 3. During that visit he announced several highway reconstruction projects, and unveiled plans for consolidation of the air transport industry in the North Caucasus. At the same time, however, he... MORE

The Second Anniversary of the Russian “Victory” is Barely Noticed
Two years ago, Russian tanks stopped on the outskirts of Tbilisi before slowly rolling back to the devastated Tskhinvali, but nobody in Russia appears interested in celebrating or even reflecting on that “victory,” which is still broadly approved by public opinion (www.levada.ru, August 4). Russian... MORE
Violence Reported Across the North Caucasus
Violence connected to the insurgency –and violence more generally– continued in the North Caucasus this past week, despite reports of splits in the leadership of the rebel Caucasus Emirate.Three traffic policemen were shot today (August 6) on the Cherkessk-Dombai highway in the village of Ordzhonikidzevsky... MORE

“Palace Coup” Reveals Split between Umarov and Rebel Commander Aslanbek Vadalov
The past week was filled with surprising and confusing changes in the leadership of the North Caucasus rebels. First, Doku Umarov’s plan to appoint a successor as leader of the North Caucasus rebels has ended up in his trivial resignation on health grounds. Still, Umarov... MORE