
Saddam Haftar: The Marshal’s Heir Apparent in Libya

At the end of August, forces from the so-called “Libyan National Army” conducted a combined air-raid and airborne assault on Umm al-Araneb, Murzug District in Libya’s southern region of Fezzan. The operation targeted rebels from the Chadian Front for Change and Concord (Front pour l’alternance... MORE

Shafiq Mengal: Pakistan’s Most Lethal Mercenary Leader in Balochistan

On July 21, clashes between Shafiq Mengal’s “death squad” and fighters loyal to Baloch nationalist leader Sardar Akhtar Mengal left four people dead in Wadh, Khuzdar District in Balochistan. Sardar Akhtar Mengal claimed that state-sponsored militias in Balochistan, namely Shafiq Mengal’s death squad, were formed... MORE