Latest Terrorism Focus Articles

Outbreak of Fighting in Lebanon Portends Violence to Come

The fighting which broke out recently between Islamist militants and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) in the Palestinian refugee camp of Nahr al-Barid had been widely predicted. This is not the first fighting to take place between militants from the Palestinian camps and the LAF,... MORE

Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s Burgeoning Media Apparatus

On May 9, al-Jazeera television broadcast clips from the latest video to emerge from the Al-Qaeda Organization in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM). The video, which details the preparation and execution of the April 11 attacks in Algiers, highlights yet again the developmental trajectory of the... MORE

Latest al-Zawahiri Tape Targets American Society

In an hour-plus videotaped interview broadcast on May 5, al-Qaeda deputy chief Ayman al-Zawahiri answered questions from an unnamed interviewer from al-Qaeda's video arm, al-Sahab Productions. The topics addressed covered the range of issues usually focused on by al-Qaeda leaders in videos, including Iraq, Afghanistan,... MORE

Hezbollah Reacts to Israel’s Winograd Report

Israel's recent release of the preliminary findings of the Winograd Commission, an independent government-appointed initiative led by former judge Eliyahu Winograd that was convened to investigate Israel's failures in its summer 2006 war against Hezbollah in Lebanon, may spell the political demise of Israeli Prime... MORE

New Report of Terrorist Camp in South Africa

Reports of paramilitary camps, extremist activities and extraordinary renditions of jihadi suspects in the Republic of South Africa continue to raise concern that the country is used for terrorist support activities (Terrorism Monitor, March 15). In mid-March, Barry Gilder, coordinator of South Africa's National Intelligence... MORE

Emergency Decree Extended in Southern Thailand

A series of violent attacks in Thailand's southern provinces between March 14 and April 14 seemed to reinforce disturbing trends in the ongoing insurgency. First, bombing attacks perpetrated by the insurgents have become more frequent, sophisticated and deadly. Second, women and children are increasingly becoming... MORE