Latest Terrorism Focus Articles

Spain’s Operation Suez Reveals al-Qaeda Support Rings in Europe

Two recent counter-terrorism developments in Spain highlight how Spanish officials are trying to confront the threat posed by Islamist terrorism. In the first incident, the attorney general attached to the Spanish Federal Court announced in mid-November that the court is seeking prison sentences—totaling 270,885 years—for... MORE

Accuracy of New UN Report on Somalia Doubtful

A report by the UN Monitoring Group on Somalia leaked to the Washington Post on November 14 has set off a wave of denials and denunciations from various countries alleged to be fueling the conflict in Somalia. Djibouti, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Ethiopia, Eritrea,... MORE

A Rewarding Month for Al-Qaeda and its Allies

It has become common in the United States and the West to acknowledge the difficulty of integrating and making sense of the disparate, geographically diverse events that occur in the war on terrorism and to assess which side is winning. The first half of November,... MORE

Kenya Boosts Security Measures on Border with Somalia

The Islamists who control most of southern Somalia and who are grouped under the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) continue to accuse Kenya of being biased in support of the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) as well as backing plans to send African Union peacekeeping troops to... MORE

Musharraf Contends with the Pashtun Element in the Pakistani Army

The recently concluded peace deal between the Pakistani army and pro-Taliban tribal elements in North Waziristan has led analysts to question why Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf has backed down from military confrontation (Terrorism Monitor, October 5). The reason that the government made this decision is... MORE

Al-Qaeda Doctrine for International Political Warfare

Do Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zawahiri and their al-Qaeda organization and its allies conduct diplomacy in the traditional sense of that activity? Given that al-Qaeda and its affiliated factions are not nation-states, have no capital cities and neither send nor receive representatives who can be... MORE