Latest Terrorism Focus Articles

Islamists Criticize Muslims who Abstain from Jihad

On February 17, the al-Tajdeed forum posted an interesting analysis that, amid the customary claims of imminent victory, points the finger of accusation at al-qa'idun 'an al-jihad ("those who abstain from jihad"). Starting from the premise that the strategic initiative is turning in favor of... MORE

…and Set Course of Action Against Denmark

The following day, the mujahid strategy emerged in even more detail. Under the title "What now after the Denmark events?—A Plan of Action," an individual named Abu Maria al-Qurashi set out nine specific action points: • Intensify the boycott by appealing to the idea of... MORE

History Overtakes Optimism in Afghanistan

Every rule has an exception and Afghanistan seems to be the rock-solid exception to the rule that history never repeats itself. The increasingly emboldened insurgency now confronted by the U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan is eerily similar to the insurgencies previously initiated, fought, and lost by... MORE

Mujahideen Consider Cartoon Crisis a Moment to Re-Define Islam…

The Danish debacle continues to generate a deluge of material on the jihadi forums. While most of these (when not a matter of personal expressions of outrage and calls for revenge) relate to the growing boycott campaign of Danish goods, at least one "official" statement... MORE

The Egyptian Media’s Response to the Latest al-Qaeda Statements

Egypt’s prominent newspapers and magazines had a somewhat tepid response to recent statements made by al-Qaeda leaders Osama bin Laden and Ayman al-Zawahiri. Media commentary did not support statements made by bin Laden and al-Zawahiri, but was critical of U.S. counter-terrorism efforts. Al-Qaeda’s statements were... MORE

Anbar Tribesmen Take on al-Zarqawi

A report by al-Hayat on January 26 that “Tribal Popular Committees” have been formed in Ramadi (capital of Anbar province) to hunt down Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and his followers, “for the purpose of expelling them from the Iraqi border to Syria,” does not come as... MORE

Internet Mujahideen Refine Electronic Warfare Tactics

The recently declassified document called “Information Operations Roadmap,” which highlights how the U.S. military is learning to “fight the net,” has drawn much interest from Western commentators. There is concern over the ambitions to exercise control over the internet expressed in the document. The October... MORE

Jihadi Doctrine on Killing Americans

On January 30, al-Qaeda's second-in-command, Egyptian national Ayman al-Zawahiri, reiterated Osama bin Laden's threat to carry out an attack in the United States. Given the controversy that bin Laden's threat stirred on the jihadi forums, it is worth taking a brief look at the ideological... MORE