Latest Terrorism Focus Articles

Osama bin Laden on the Demise of the Saudi Regime
Speeches by Osama bin Laden have an avid Western audience when he thunders against the United States and its allies, threatening imminent destruction. Other bin Laden speeches dealing with religious issues or the state of Islamic civilization, however, tend to attract much less attention. This... MORE
Jihadi Terms and Terminology
Al-Haras al-Watani - ‘The Pagan Guard' Opprobrious term for al-Haras al-Watani. Lit. ‘The National Guard', used by jihadis with reference to the Iraqi forces trained by the US. Al-Isha'at wal-Di'aya - ‘Rumors and Propaganda' Al-Qaeda military training manuals have given ample space to the strategic... MORE
New al-Qaeda Outfit Announces its Presence in Algeria
Militant Islamist forums have circulated a statement dated May 8 purporting to announce the formation of a new al-Qaeda cell in Algeria. The group, Qa'idat al-Jihad fi al-Jaza'ir (al-Qaeda [base] of the Jihad in Algeria), has modeled its name on the group led by Abu... MORE
Uncertainly Surrounds New Militant Group in Malaysia
Some confusion surrounded the announcement on May 23 that the Malaysian government had uncovered the existence of new militant group, distinct, but linked to the regional extremist group Jemaah Islamiyah. According to a report at the time in the Malaysian daily The Star, Deputy Internal... MORE
A Review of the Basaev Interview in Sawt al-Qoqaz
Towards the end of April this year a new Arabic language web magazine, aimed at the Arab mujahidin fighting in the Caucasus, or sympathisers following the events in the region, appeared on the net entitled Sawt al-Qoqaz (‘The Voice of the Caucasus'). In the last... MORE
History Chasing Optimism: Afghanistan in Spring, 2005
In May 2005, former Taliban Foreign Minister Wakil Ahmed Muttawakil said the Taliban was a "spent force" and asked his former associates "to hold talks with the Afghan government. It will be good for our people." [1] His statement augmented announcements that other Taliban leaders... MORE

Arrest of al-Libby in Pakistan May Give Contrary Results
Opinions on the importance of the arrest of Abu Faraj al-Libby, announced by the Pakistani authorities on May 4, are mixed. Touted as the "al-Qaeda number 3" — after Osama bin Laden and his deputy Ayman al-Zawahiri — and with a $10 million bounty on... MORE
Bahrain: The Next Target For Islamist Militancy?
Real estate prices in Bahrain have registered unusual rates of increase over the last few months as western expatriate workers relocate to the island kingdom, in the hope of finding a more secure environment. Bahrain is considered to offer one of the Gulf’s most western-friendly... MORE
Evaluating the Saudi Amnesty
On June 23 Saudi Crown Prince Abdallah declared on behalf of King Fahd a one-month ultimatum, during which al-Qaeda members should surrender themselves to authorities. A headline figure of half a dozen insurgents responding to the amnesty by the deadline of July 22 spelt an... MORE
Al-Qaeda Leader Salih Al-awfi Slips Through the Net
Late on July 20 Saudi security forces followed up on a tip that led them to the house of al-Qaeda’s leader Salih al-Awfi in the King Fahad district of Riyadh. Militants inside the house then opened fire and a gun-battle ensued, resulting in the killing... MORE