Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

Sierra Leone: An Obscure Battlefield in the War on Terrorism

On the dusty trash strewn streets of the Sierra Leonean capital, Freetown, men, women, and children with missing arms and legs wander aimlessly through half-completed concrete buildings. The surrounding hills are covered with hastily constructed shanties made of corrugated iron, plastic, or any other material... MORE

Australian Anti-Terror Raids: A Serious Plot Thwarted

Since September 11, 2001, Australians have been warned that an attack on Australian soil by al-Qaeda or its allies is probable, if not inevitable. In October, ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organization) released its 2004/05 annual report, which warned of the risk of “home grown” terrorists.... MORE

Radical Islam in Latin America

In the wake of the September 11 attacks, the possibility of al-Qaeda infiltrating Latin America became a priority for U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials. However, the most publicized incidents of radical Islamist activity in Latin America have not been linked to al-Qaeda but instead... MORE

New Developments Following the London Bombings

The release of a videotape featuring July 7 bomber Mohammed Siddique Khan's message to the world, cleverly interspersed with Ayman al-Zawahiri, has led many to suspect al-Qaeda's controlling hand. Yet the most credible leads continue to point to a self-starter cell of dedicated young British... MORE

The Algerian 2005 Amnesty: The Path to Peace?

On September 29, Algerians voted in an unprecedented referendum to approve a charter for “peace and national reconciliation,” offering amnesty to Algerian insurgents in exchange for laying down their arms. The charter also extends the same offer of clemency to police and security agents involved... MORE

Muslim Female Fighters: An Emerging Trend

Muslim women are increasingly joining the global jihad, some motivated by religious conviction to change the plight of Muslims under occupation, and recruited by al-Qaeda and local terrorist groups strained by increased arrests and deaths of male operatives. Attacks by female fighters, also known as... MORE