Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

The Challenge of Radical Islam in Mauritania

Mauritania is grappling with a range of fundamental issues, including religion, development, political and social progress and institution building. After the August 3 bloodless military coup that toppled Mauritania's autocratic president Maaouiya Ould Taya, the country reached a critical juncture in both its efforts to... MORE

Al-Qaeda’s WMD Strategy Prior to the U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan

This is the first in a two-part series addressing al-Qaeda’s WMD strategy. Al-Qaeda’s activities concerning weapons of mass destruction (WMD), or more precisely chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) weapons, are shrouded in secrecy. CBRN weapons are the ideal terror tactic and a tantalizing option... MORE

Al-Qaeda in Australia

Al-Qaeda and its allies pose a credible threat to Australian security. While al-Qaeda affiliates have repeatedly bombed Australian interests in Indonesia, the organization has consistently singled out Australia itself as a high priority target. The terror network is determined to make good on these threats,... MORE

Beyond Bali: A New Trend for Terrorism in Southeast Asia?

On September 27, Gareth Evans—president of the respected International Crisis Group (ICG) and former Australian foreign minister—gave a keynote address in Australia in which he proclaimed, “JI no longer poses a serious threat in Indonesia or elsewhere” [1]. Four days later, three suicide bombers walked... MORE

The 2006 Olympics: Assessing the Threat of Unconventional Attacks

Al-Qaeda’s repeated threats to punish Italy for its continued involvement in Iraq, coupled with the organization’s public pronouncements justifying chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) attacks against its adversaries, may culminate in an attack on Turin, site of the 2006 Winter Olympics. Al-Qaeda and its... MORE

Italian Security and Potential Terrorist Targets

The terror alert level in Italy rose this summer, as a result of the terrorist attacks in London in July. Although Rome has been repeatedly threatened by al-Qaeda for years, and has been consistently spotlighted as a legitimate target, the London bombings have certainly had... MORE

Is Italy Next In Line After London?

Italy has been on heightened alert since the London attacks in July, as information available to the intelligence community points to the country as one of the most probable targets for al-Qaeda’s next attack. On July 14, Niccolo Pollari, director of the Italian intelligence agency... MORE

PAGAD: A Case Study of Radical Islam in South Africa

The threat of Islamic terrorism to the Republic of South Africa (RSA) is surprisingly real. Aside from the possibility of an al-Qaeda strike against U.S. and other Western interests in the country, there are a number of indigenous Islamic networks that have the potential to... MORE