Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

Algerian Salafists and the New Face of Terrorism in Spain

The involvement of Moroccan Islamists in the Madrid terrorist attacks on March 11 has overshadowed the significantly larger role that Algerian Salafists — with ties to al-Qaeda — have had in recent terrorist activities in Spain. In mid-October, Spanish authorities dismantled an Algerian Salafist terrorist... MORE

The Trial of Abu Bakar Ba’asyir: A Test for Indonesia

On October 27, the re-trial of the alleged spiritual leader of Jemaah Islamiyah (JI), Abu Bakar Ba'asyir began. While significant in its own right, the trial is in many ways a litmus test of the new Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono administration's commitment to combating terrorism. Head... MORE

Will Zimbabwe Become Al-Qaeda’s Newest Hub?

The role played by failed states in harboring militant Islamist groups is a feature of the war on terror that is likely to receive a great deal of attention in the coming years. Africa has been singled out as particularly vulnerable in this regard, not... MORE

New Terrorist Trends in Afghanistan

Nearly three years after the war that ousted the Taliban, security in Afghanistan remains precarious- some one hundred people (excluding insurgents) have been killed in violence in the country so far this year. However, many of these killings – and indeed much of the violence... MORE

Ain al-Hilweh: al-Qaeda’s Foothold in Lebanon

On the evening of September 27th, residents from Majdel Anjar, a Lebanese village 35 miles East of Beirut close to the Lebanese-Syrian border, stormed the local office of the Lebanese General Security Service (al-Amn al-Aam) and for couple of hours blocked the Beirut-Damascus highway demanding... MORE

Kuwait Wakes up to the Face of Militant Islam

Since the 1970s, Kuwait has felt the strain of the struggle between the politically strong religious bloc and weak liberals. The resultant extremist pressure and influence has reigned amid an environment of tacit government support and limited resistance from moderates. The positive side of such... MORE