Latest Terrorism Monitor Articles

Al Qaeda And Maritime Terrorism, Part I

Fears of atomic smuggling in ships date back to the very dawn of the atomic age. On August 2, 1939, Albert Einstein wrote a letter to President Franklin Roosevelt informing him that work by his colleagues Leo Szilard and Enrico Fermi indicated that uranium could... MORE

Financing Terror: From Bogus Banks To Honey Bees

A comprehensive campaign against international terrorism is impossible without blocking the channels of its financing. This is no easy task. Currently, about US$3 trillion are transferred daily from one party to another within international financial markets. But of that total, it is estimated that the... MORE

Editor’s Note

Afghanistan - Two years after the fall of the Taliban Editor's Note: November marks the second anniversary of the fall of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan. In recognition of this, the Terrorism Monitor is devoting an entire issue to the subject of Afghanistan. While the... MORE