Publication: North Caucasus Weekly Volume: 3 Issue: 30
Concerning the whereabouts of major Chechen field commander Ruslan Gelaev, Yastrzhembsky wrote: “Such information as I possess suggests that Gelaev is not in Chechnya.” The following day, however, Colonel General Konstantin Totsky, the director of the Russian Federal Border-guard Service, asserted that “Gelaev may be present precisely in Chechnya” (Gazeta.ru, October 10). Asked about the location of separatist leader Shamil Basaev, Yastrzhembsky observed: “Concerning Basaev, I have no information other than that he is located on the territory of Chechnya.” Queried about the approximate number of the separatist fighters, Yastrzhembsky remarked: “It is impossible to conduct a census of those rebels who are located in the mountains or in the population points [of Chechnya]…. The figure wavers, but its axis would be along the line of 1,500-2,000. A great deal depends upon which season we are speaking of. For example, with the advent of winter, the activity of the rebels declines-this is connected with the absence of conditions for them to live in the mountains; they are forced to return to the population points.”