Publication: Monitor Volume: 1 Issue: 53
The Constitutional Court continuedto hear testimony July 14 on the legality of Boris Yeltsin’s orderto intervene in Chechnya, Russian media reported. Among the highpoints were a report by Federation Council deputy Issa Kostoyevthat he had a copy of a decree that would have led to the "forcedresettlement" of Chechens throughout Russia and a statementby human rights activist Sergei Kovalev that Yeltsin’s actionscould not be justified by anything that had happened in Chechnyaprior to the December 1994 invasion. A group of human rights activistssimultaneously held an unofficial hearing in Moscow, Russiantelevision reported July 15. That group plans an internationaltribunal, perhaps in Washington, to try those guilty of the Chechenintervention.
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