Publication: Monitor Volume: 2 Issue: 182
Tajik presidential spokesman Zafar Saidov told Russian correspondents yesterday that the defeat of the Afghan authorities in Kabul may have "destroyed" Moscow’s and Dushanbe’s agreement with those authorities to cooperate against the Tajik opposition on the Tajik-Afghan border. Dushanbe "had hoped to turn that border into one of peace and friendship" but is now "alarmed by potential region-wide tremors" following the Taliban movement’s capture of Kabul, the spokesman said. The statement echoes Russian foreign minister Yevgeny Primakov’s and other Moscow officials’ expressions of concern. The Russian Foreign Ministry’s Third Asian Department chief, Rashid Hamidulin (as cited) said yesterday that Moscow lacks accurate information about the latest developments around Kabul and in northern Afghanistan, and does not yet know the intentions of the runaway Afghan leaders, President Burhanuddin Rabbani and Prime Minister Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. They had recently concluded the pact with Moscow.
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