Publication: Monitor Volume: 6 Issue: 137

Kyrgyzstan’s internal affairs minister, Lieutenant-General Omurbek Kutuev, announced on July 10 the arrest of ten “terrorists”–members of the Uighur Liberation Front–in Bishkek. The group includes citizens of China, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Turkey. According to Kutuev, his ministry was forced to move prematurely in arresting the Bishkek group after security bodies in the city of Osh had, “through lack of experience,” inadvertently alerted Uighur activists there. Those activists, Kutuev warned, are still at large in Kyrgyzstan and possibly in neighboring countries.

The minister pronounced the ten guilty of conspiring not only to separate the Xinjiang-Uighur Autonomous Region from China by force, but also to “subvert the governments of other ‘Shanghai Five’ countries”–an allusion mainly to Kazakhstan which, like Kyrgyzstan, is home to an Uighur community. He charged that those arrested and their accomplices at large were armed, in possession of “extremist religious literature”–complete with videotapes of Osama Bin-Laden himself, inciting to jihad–and had undergone guerrilla and “Wahhabi” religious training in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Kutuev charged, moreover, that the group had engaged in kidnapping for ransom and robberies to finance the movement; that it assassinated Nigmat Bazakov–leader of Kyrgyzstan’s Ittipak community and publisher of the eponymous newspaper in Bishkek–in March of this year; and that shortly afterward it ambushed a delegation of Chinese officials in Bishkek, killing one and wounding three. According to Bishkek’s version, those officials were Uighurs from Xinjiang-Uighuria, whom the gunmen wanted to “punish for cooperating with the Chinese authorities.”

An official communique in Bishkek has announced that the ten face the death penalty in Kyrgyzstan, but that the authorities are willing to extradite them to countries of which they are citizens or by which they are wanted for trial. The latter part of the announcement suggests that the Kyrgyz authorities might in the final analysis prefer to wash their hands of the affair (KyrgyzKabar, Bishkek Radio, July 10).

The possible kernel of truth in this version seems obscured by the propaganda message, typical of communiques issued in similar situations by Soviet-schooled security chiefs in post-Soviet Russia and Central Asia. That message as a rule tries to suggest, first, that the country and its security agencies face a formidable array of hostile forces, virtually all of whom must necessarily be involved in virtually every “terrorist act.” And, second, it tries to suggest that the same terrorist group threatens many other countries at the same time.

The timing of Bishkek’s announcement is clearly related to the Shanghai Forum’s summit last week (see the Monitor, July 10) and the visits to Kyrgyzstan this week by two Chinese delegations: one of the military command of Lanzhou Province, which borders on Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan; and one of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office of China, which discussed joint actions with Kyrgyz prosecutors against terrorism and other crimes, including those “linked with citizens of China” in Kyrgyzstan–a formula which covers emigres from Xinjiang-Uighuria. The Chinese-Kyrgyz discussions in Bishkek were replete–as was the Shanghai Forum’s summit–with condemnations of “ethnic separatism, terrorism and religious extremism.” A fixture in Chinese joint statements with Central Asian countries, that formula is meant to commit those countries to curbing Uighur activities on their territories (Xinhua, KyrgyzKabar, July 8, 11).

Kyrgyzstan, like Kazakhstan, has until recently managed to avoid cracking down on Uighur groups on its territory. But it finds shunning police measures increasingly difficult: first, a radicalization of some Uighur groups in Central Asia and in China; second, a need to appease Beijing while Kyrgyzstan’s southern border is seen to be threatened; and, third, the charged atmosphere created by Moscow and Tashkent around “Islamic extremism,” a label which Beijing tries to pin also on the secular nationalist Uighur groups, and virtually requires Kyrgyzstan to move against them. This May, a court in Osh sentenced five men–including three Uighur refugees from China, one from Turkey and a Turkic man from Russia–to prison for a “terrorist” conspiracy to create a state of Uighuristan in areas belonging to China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Last month, Chinese authorities in Xinjiang-Uighuria announced that they had executed five Uighur “terrorists,” sentenced two others to life imprisonment and six to various terms of detention. In this context, pressure mounts on Kyrgyz authorities to either clamp down to the extent of their limited abilities, or extradite Uighur suspects as the latest communique obliquely offers (Xinhua, June 16; see the Monitor, May 10; Menon and Wimbush, Asia in the 21st Century,” The National Interest (Washington), Spring 2000).

The Monitor is a publication of the Jamestown Foundation. It is researched and written under the direction of senior analysts Jonas Bernstein, Vladimir Socor, Stephen Foye, and analysts Ilya Malyakin, Oleg Varfolomeyev and Ilias Bogatyrev. If you have any questions regarding the content of the Monitor, please contact the foundation. If you would like information on subscribing to the Monitor, or have any comments, suggestions or questions, please contact us by e-mail at, by fax at 301-562-8021, or by postal mail at The Jamestown Foundation, 4516 43rd Street NW, Washington DC 20016. Unauthorized reproduction or redistribution of the Monitor is strictly prohibited by law. Copyright (c) 1983-2002 The Jamestown Foundation Site Maintenance by Johnny Flash Productions