Publication: Monitor Volume: 1 Issue: 93

The joint command drill named "Peacemaker ’95" will be held October 16-31 near Fort Riley, Kansas, according to a September 12 statement by Colonel Nikolai Malyshev, the Army press center chief. Russia will be represented by about 150 soldiers of the 27th Mechanized Infantry Division, and the US by a like number of servicemen from the 1st Mechanized Infantry Division (Fort Riley). The drill will involve training in joint patrols, provision of humanitarian aid, separating combatants, and anti-sniper measures. (2) The news item is no doubt meant to reassure readers of President Yeltsin’s recent fulminations against NATO that routine military cooperation is continuing, and that "division" of the world into "two camps" is not imminent.

Duma Delegations to Send Message to Yeltsin.