Publication: Monitor Volume: 2 Issue: 238

The mayor of Vladivostok, Viktor Cherepkov, seems to have failed in his bid to cancel next Sunday’s elections to the city Duma. Cherepkov says they are illegal and will be overruled, but the city legislature insists they will go ahead as planned. The row is part of an ongoing struggle between Cherepkov and Yevgeni Nazdratenko, governor of the far eastern Primorsky krai, of which Vladivostok is capital. The elections were scheduled by Cherepkov’s predecessor, who replaced Cherepkov as mayor while Cherepkov was under investigation on corruption charges. Cherepkov, who subsequently cleared his name, says Nazdratenko framed him. He has tried to annul all his predecessor’s decisions, but that on holding the elections was upheld by the regional court. (Interfax, December 19)

Another Attempt to Form a Pro-Lebed "Third Force."