Publication: Monitor Volume: 2 Issue: 231

The commander of Russia’s border troops, Gen. Andrei Nikolaev, conferred in Yerevan with President Levon Ter-Petrosian and Internal Affairs and National Security Minister Serge Sarksian on "additional measures to improve the supply and staffing" of Russian border troops deployed in Armenia. Nikolaev praised the Armenian leadership for adhering to both the concept of "joint protection of the CIS outer borders" in its cooperation with Russia and to CIS collective security agreements. (Noyan-Tapan, Azg, December 9; Interfax, December 7-8) In contrast, Azerbaijani president Haidar Aliev called for the withdrawal of Russian border troops from the Transcaucasus. (Turan, December 9) Azerbaijan has no Russian troops on its territory. Georgia seeks to develop its own border troops in order to replace the Russian ones on the Georgian-Turkish border.

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