Publication: Monitor Volume: 2 Issue: 79

Ryurikov made clear that, despite high expectations, there is no intention by the two sides to form an alliance. "Both states are big enough to ensure their security independently," he said. He also said that 14 documents would be signed during the visit, including a declaration reflecting joint approaches to the solution of bilateral, regional, and international problems. Other documents will deal with cooperation in trade, nuclear energy, and space. One Western report, quoting Russian diplomats, suggested that the declaration on international issues would express misgivings about a world dominated by a single "superpower." (UPI, April 22)

A high point of the visit will be the signing in Shanghai of a pact on confidence building measures along the former Soviet border, the signatories to which will also include the leaders of Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, and Kyrgyzstan. Yeltsin will also reportedly honor a pledge he made during the G-7 nuclear security summit to lobby China to sign the comprehensive test ban treaty. (Reuter & Itar-Tass, April 22) On his return from China, Yeltsin is to stop over in Kazakhstan for talks with President Nursultan Nazarbayev.

Downplaying the Border Dispute.