Publication: Monitor Volume: 1 Issue: 88

Boris Yeltsin has decided to call a conference of all Russia’s democratic forces, because he continues to see himself as the guarantor of reform, Russia’s Radio reported September 2. According to presidential aide Georgi Satarov, Yeltsin is attentively watching the parliamentary election process without intervening in it. The time has now come, Satarov told Russia’s Radio September 1, to convene all reformist forces, just as Yeltsin had done in 1993 and 1994. He might not be a candidate in the presidential elections which follow those for parliament, because of general fatigue, health problems, and family reasons; but he would certainly run for a second term if he decided that there was a threat to democratic reform in Russia. And such a threat, Satarov concluded, exists now. Democratic Russia co-chairman, Father Gleb Yakunin, said however that Yeltsin’s idea of consolidation with the democrats is belated, and that Yeltsin had already alienated himself from the democratic movement, Russia’s Radio reported September 4.

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