Publication: Monitor Volume: 4 Issue: 63

Russian President Boris Yeltsin yesterday hosted a visit by the President of Namibia, Sam Nujoma. Afterward, the two sides announced that they had signed a package of agreements, including a joint declaration on bilateral relations. They also agreed to create an intergovernmental commission to boost trade and economic cooperation, and signed an accord on the prevention of double taxation and the prevention of income tax evasion. Kremlin spokesman Sergei Yastrzhembsky told reporters that Nujoma had called upon Russia to increase its presence in Africa.

Namibia and Russia also announced the signing yesterday of an agreement on the development of the two countries’ diamond industries. According to Yastrzhembsky, the accord is aimed at increasing the competitiveness of Russia’s and Namibia’s diamond industries vis-a-vis that of South Africa’s De Beers Corporation. Finally, the two countries also discussed military-technical cooperation during Nujoma’s visit and, according to Yastrzhembsky, agreed on the need to sign an agreement in that area at some point in the future. (Russian agencies, March 31)

Nujoma’s visit and yesterday’s agreements come as U.S. President Bill Clinton winds up a lengthy tour of Africa that is aimed at raising America’s presence on the African continent.

Bomb Alert in Makhachkala.