Latest Articles about Kazakhstan

The Specter Of Russian Extreme Nationalism Haunts Kazakhstan

According to Kazakhstan's influential youth paper Express K, the Saryarka district court in Astana is investigating an unprecedented case. For the first time in Kazakhstan's history, a member of a skinhead movement has been indicted for stirring up racial and interethnic strife. Yevgeni Yefimenko, a... MORE

Hizb-ut-tahrir Members Get Prison Terms In Kazakhstan

On July 2 two members of the Islamic extremist organization Hizb-ut-Tahrir (Islamic Party of Liberation) were given two-year prison terms by authorities in Pavlodar, Northern Kazakhstan. Security forces had detained Arman Hamzin (age 29) and Ruslan Ghinatulin (22) two months ago for distributing Hizb-ut-Tahrir leaflets... MORE

More Threats To Press Freedom In Kazakhstan

Journalists in Kazakhstan had little reason to celebrate during this year's national "Journalism Day" on June 28. Traditionally a joyous event, this year the festivities were spoiled by recent attempts by officials wanting to silence the press. The rights of journalists to investigate and disseminate... MORE

Strategic Pipeline Accord Masks Tension In Other Areas

Squeezed uncomfortably between China and Russia, Kazakhstan has always stressed the importance of the so-called "multi-vector" in its relations with its large neighbors. This approach allows Kazakhstan to strike the right balance of interests. During his recent visit to China, Kazakh President Nursulatan Nazarbayev was... MORE

Kazakhs Disillusioned With Post-soviet Development

After more than a decade of independence, the majority of Kazakhs feel deeply disillusioned with post-Soviet development of their country. Many are tormented with gnawing doubts whether Kazakhstan has really become independent of Moscow. The lingering nostalgia of older Russians for the socialist motherland clashes... MORE

Kazakhstan’s Air Defense Deal With Uk Signals Shift

In a clear signal of the growing importance that Kazakhstan attaches to military cooperation with the West, an historic agreement has been reached with Britain's BAE Systems to upgrade Kazakhstan's air defense systems. According to Russian media reports, Astana negotiated a tough deal, which stimulated... MORE

Kazakhstan Advances Proposals On Caspian Legal Status

Kazakhstan's Foreign Affairs Minister Kasymzhomart Tokaev presented a set of innovative proposals on June 9 in Astana regarding the legal status of the Caspian Sea. Addressing a session of the five riparian countries' working group, which is charged with drafting a legal convention, Tokaev called... MORE

Uzbek-Kazakh Border Delineation Nearing Resolution

A demarcation ceremony was held at the Gishtkuprik customs checkpoint on May 19 to officially delineate the Uzbek-Kazakh border. The demarcation process was begun in fall 2003. Gishtkuprik is located 17km from Tashkent. Astana and Tashkent plan to plant border poles along the entire length... MORE

Giant Oilfield In Kazakhstan Delivering To Novorossiisk

The Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V. (KPO) announced on May 20 that it has begun delivering oil to the Caspian Pipeline Consortium's (CPC) main export pipeline. The pipeline mostly serves the large Tengiz onshore oil field, operated by ChevronTexaco. The KPO consortium includes British Gas and... MORE