Latest Articles about Central Asia
Washington Vague On U.S. Basing Plans In Central Asia
Elizabeth Jones, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Eurasian Affairs, has attempted to dispel speculation concerning how long U.S. military forces will remain deployed in Central Asia to support Operation Enduring Freedom. Responding to fears, particularly from Russian security circles, that the deployment may in... MORE
Anti-terrorist Exercises Underway In Central Asia
Anti-terrorist exercises are currently underway in Central Asia, witnessed by observers from non-CIS States including China, Iran, and Pakistan, within the framework of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). These annual exercises, rehearsing military operations against terrorists and insurgents, are designed to showcase the Collective... MORE
Uzbekistan Conspicuously Absent From Central Asian Security Sumimit
Two days before the July 30 bomb blasts in Tashkent, Astana hosted the security service chiefs of Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, and Turkey in discussions on ways of fighting terrorism. Russia and Ukraine, demonstrating their growing concern with security issues, sent observers to the meeting. Most importantly,... MORE
Uzbekistan’s Secret Services Already Pursue Suspects Into Kyrgyzstan, Will They Try To Enter Kazakhstan, Too?
Reliable sources in Uzbekistan's Ministry of Internal Affairs are claiming that two of the three suicide bombers who committed detonated explosions in Tashkent on July 30 were Kazakhstani citizens of Uzbek descent. In a related development, the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan has begun the trial... MORE
Abizaid Visit Highlights Kazakh Role In Iraq
General John Abizaid, Commander of the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM), visited Kazakhstan on August 2 with the express purpose of discussing ways to strengthen military cooperation between the United States and Kazakhstan. He also discussed Kazakhstan's partnership with NATO and explored ways in which this... MORE
Kazakhstan Prepares For Controversial Parliamentary Elections
With elections to Majilis (lower chamber of parliament) just a few weeks away, calls for genuine democracy in Kazakhstan ring louder than ever before. On July 21 leaders of the Democratic Choice of Kazakhstan, the pro-democratic party "Ak Zhol," and the Communist Party of Kazakhstan... MORE
Popular Frustration With Karimov Fuels Terrorist Attacks In Uzbekistan
At 5:00 pm on Friday, July 30, suicide bombers detonated explosives near the Embassies of the United States and Israel and in the vicinity of the building housing Uzbekistan's Prosecutor General's Office. The bombings claimed the lives of one local police officer and one employee... MORE
New Gas Trader To Boost Turkmenistan-Ukraine Transit
On July 29, fully owned subsidiaries of Gazprom and of Austria's Raiffeisen Bank signed agreements establishing a joint gas-trading company, RosUkrEnergoprom. With Gazprom and Raiffeisen each holding half the shares, RosUkrEnergoprom will act as the operating company for gas exports from Turkmenistan to Ukraine via... MORE
Moskovsky Komsomolets Publishes “insider” Account Of Hut Activities
On July 19, 2004, the Russian newspaper Moskovsky komsomolets published a sensational article entitled, "200 Days of Jihad." The author of the article, Svetlana Meteleva, is a special correspondent who claimed to be sharing her "insider" observations regarding the activities of Hizb-ut-Tahrir, the Islamic Party... MORE
Independent Journalist Killed In Kazakhstan
The flurry of speculations around the July 20 death of well-known journalist Askhat Sharipzhanov does not seem likely to subside in the coming weeks. Sharipzhanov, the 40-year old editor of the opposition electronic paper Navigator and one of the most furious critics of the authorities,... MORE