Latest Articles about Uzbekistan

Kyrgyzstan and China Move Closer to Joint Railroad Construction

Bishkek and Beijing may soon sign a long-anticipated agreement on the construction of the “China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan” railroad. Kyrgyz Prime Minister Almazbek Atambayev will travel to China to discuss the project’s details. The Kyrgyz government considers the railroad to be an important component in the country’s economic... MORE

Tsentr 2011 Scenario and CSTO Transformation

Preparations are intensifying ahead of the operational-strategic exercise Tsentr 2011 scheduled for late September in southern Russia, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Tsentr 2011 will test the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) rapid reaction forces (Кollektivnye Sil Operativnogo Reagirovaniya –KSOR) and its possible preparedness to respond to... MORE

“Closed” Kyrgyz-Uzbek Border: A Recipe for Clashes

On August 2, 2011 Uzbekistan closed the Divayram border crossing, located in Sokh enclave inside Kyrgyzstan. An important road artery for Kyrgyzstan’s Batken region passes through this enclave. Now, Kyrgyz are forced to bypass the enclave, adding 30 minutes or 40 kilometers to their journey,... MORE

Tajikistan Moves Closer to Construction of Rogun HPP

The construction of the 3,600 megawatt Rogun hydro-power plant (HPP) in Tajikistan seems as close as ever. The Tajik government has recently announced its readiness to proceed with the construction of the Rogun dam. Tajik Deputy Energy Minister, Polod Muhiddinov, said that Tajikistan has enough... MORE

The CSTO Seeks Stronger Security Arrangements

The Russian-led security alliance, the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), which includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, has pledged to face security challenges in Central Asia by boosting military cooperation. Russian military officials urged the grouping to boost their defense ties. The... MORE

Kyrgyz Officials Blamed for Ethnic Unrest in Osh

On May 2nd, a group of international experts presented their view of Kyrgyzstan’s violence in June 2010, which took the lives of 470 and displaced over 400,000 people. Finish MP Kimmo Kiljunen reported findings of the Kyrgyzstan Inquiry Commission (KIC) in Bishkek, summarizing over five... MORE

US Repeats Policy Mistakes In Uzbekistan

(Part Two) The issue of seasonal “forced” labor in the Uzbek cotton harvest has been taken up by the International Labor Organization (ILO) where it belongs. It appears that G-TIP has taken a UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) checklist to come to the conclusion... MORE

US Repeats Policy Mistakes In Uzbekistan

(Part One)Since the May 2005 armed uprising in Andijan, the US has been slowly rebuilding its relationship with Uzbekistan, culminating most recently in the Uzbek government’s almost instantaneous agreement to allow its territory to be used by the US Department of Defense as a key... MORE