Latest Articles about Middle East

“Heeding the Call for Jihad”: The Sudden Resurgence of Baloch Nationalist Militancy in Iran
The Islamic Republic of Iran sits in the crosshairs of the United States, Israel, and the Gulf Arab monarchies led by Saudi Arabia. The array of geopolitical threats that face Iran is daunting; Iran is surrounded by states that are threatened by the revolutionary Islamist... MORE

Chechen and Ingush Leaders Feud over Burial of Slain Insurgents
At the beginning of November, Chechen authorities made several statements that were underreported by the media but which illuminated important aspects of Moscow’s policies in the North Caucasus. Moreover, those statements allow an assessment of how much autonomy Moscow is willing to grant to Chechnya... MORE

The Payment of Kickbacks—A Norm in Russia’s Arms Trade
A month ago, during a state visit to Moscow by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, the Russian government officially announced that an “arms trade package” worth $4.2 billion was agreed. The “package deal” reportedly included the purchase of 30 Mi-28N attack helicopters and 42 Pantsir-S1... MORE

Circassians Become Targets in Syria; Activists Seek International Help
On November 7, the Circassian activist group Justice for the North Caucasus issued an emergency statement on the situation in Syria. The group called on the international community to send “relief to hundreds of men, women, children and elderly who have been under siege for... MORE

Summit of ECO Countries Brings No Change
On October 15, Baku hosted the 12th summit of the Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO). The presidents of Azerbaijan, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, as well as the prime minister of Turkey attended the event. ECO was established in 1985 as a regional, inter-state economic organization... MORE

What is Hezbollah’s Role in the Syrian Crisis?
Recent reports of an increase in Hezbollah’s involvement in Syria’s civil war as combatants alongside the Syrian military represent a potentially sharp escalation in the regional impact of the ongoing conflict. Accusations concerning Hezbollah’s military support for the Assad government leveled by the party’s Lebanese... MORE

Majid bin Muhammad al-Majid: The New Commander of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades
The controversial Abdullah Azzam Brigades, an al-Qaeda-linked terrorist network that has been operating throughout the Middle East in recent years, named Majid bin Muhammad al-Majid its amir on June 19 (Jihadology.net, June 20; Al-Jazeera, June 20; Assafir, June 20). Majid is an obscure Saudi national... MORE

A Post-Mortem Analysis of Turkistani Amir Emeti Yakuf: A Death that Sparked More Questions than Answers
In late August, a series of drone strikes in Northern Waziristan were reported to have killed a number of jihadist leaders. Most media attention focused on the possible demise of Badruddin Haqqani, son of the fabled mujahideen leader, with conflicting reports about whether he had... MORE

China and Qatar Forge a New Era of Relations around High Finance
The impetus underlying China’s manifold interests in the Middle East remains a topic of close scrutiny. The dramatic social and political changes that are taking root in the region portend a vastly different geopolitical cartography in contrast with previous arrangements. These circumstances yield important implications... MORE

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula Sets Assassins Loose in Strategic Shift
The experiment in governance by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) and the allied Ansar al-Shari’a movement that attempted to establish seven Islamic Emirates in southern Yemen ended in July after less than a year. The end came with a massive June offensive against the... MORE