Latest Articles about Syria

Overcoming Internal Struggle in Syria: Can Hassan Soufan Revive Ahrar al-Sham?
Ahrar al-Sham (Ahrar) is one of the largest rebel groups in Syria. In December 2016, like other groups, it suffered a major blow at the hands of the forces of the al-Assad regime, resulting in the loss of the city of Aleppo. The defeat in... MORE

Russia’s General Staff Draws Lessons Learned in Syria
Since President Vladimir Putin ordered Russia’s Armed Forces to commence operations in Syria, the campaign has provoked controversy and criticism abroad. Criticism ranges from asserting that it would repeat the experience of the Soviet-Afghan conflict (1979–1989) to risking proxy conflicts with other powers, including the... MORE

Russia and Lebanon Drafting Agreement for Increased Military Cooperation
Since the Syrian civil war erupted nearly seven years ago, perhaps the most dramatic regional diplomatic development has been the steady reemergence of Russia as a major player in the convoluted world of Middle East politics. As a reward for its intervention in Syria, Russia... MORE

Ending Islamic State: Dealing With Women and Children Returnees in the North Caucasus
In the spring of 2016, Islamic State (IS) propagandists released an unusual video purporting to show the famous Chechen pop-singer Azza Bataeva, previously known for her provocative clothing, wearing a niqab and calling on Muslims to join “the path of Allah,” as she tore up... MORE

Death of Military Contractors Illuminates Russia’s War by Proxy in Syria
Officials from the United States and Russia, together with non-governmental sources, all agree on the core narrative: On February 7, 2018, east of the Euphrates River, in the oil-rich province of Deir el-Zour, a battalion-size armed group loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, supported by... MORE

How Does Russia Fit into Egypt’s Strategic Plan?
As Russian-Egyptian military and economic cooperation increases, many comparisons have been made with Egypt’s early post-independence era (1956–1971), when Cairo grew close to Moscow. Egypt’s current strategic position, however, bears closer similarities to the foreign policy of the first decades of rule by the founder... MORE

Russia Accuses US of Supplying Missile That Brought Down Hero Su-25 Pilot Over Syria
Two Russian Su-25SM attack jets were overflying the rebel-controlled Idlib province in northwestern Syria, on February 3, when one of the planes was hit by an infrared-signature- homing surface-to-air missile fired from a man-portable air-defense system (MANPADS). Russian commanders insist the jets were on a... MORE

Islamic State’s Cultural Jihad: A Profile of British Foreign Fighter Raymond Matimba
Islamic State’s (IS) foreign fighters are a key part of its propaganda campaign in the West. The group thrives on attracting militants whose personal history makes them seem “too normal” to be terrorists. This strategy is designed to scare citizens of Western countries by creating... MORE

The S-400–Pantsir ‘Tandem’: The New-Old Feature of Russian A2/AD Capabilities
The Pantsir (NATO classification: SA-22 Greyhound), produced by the Russian Military Industrial Complex, is a unique mobile short- to medium-range surface-to-air missile and anti-aircraft artillery weapon system that has no known analogues in the United States Armed Forces. On January 23, the Russian side stated... MORE