Latest Articles about Syria

Caucasus Emirate Reverses Position on Syrian Jihad
In less than a year, the Caucasus Emirate’s leaders have reversed their position on whether or not to view the uprising in Syria as a sacred jihad. The leader of the North Caucasian jihadist movement, Doku Umarov, spoke rather ambiguously in a video address last... MORE

The Tribal Factor in Syria’s Rebellion: A Survey of Armed Tribal Groups in Syria
Tribalism remains a primary form of communal identity among Arab Sunnis across Syria, regardless of whether they live in rural or urban areas. As a powerful source of socio-political mobilization, Syrian Arab tribalism has shaped the conflict since the first demonstrations against the al-Assad government... MORE

Russian Muslim Militants Are Joining the Ranks of Rebel Fighters in Syria
Throughout 2012, Russian leaders refused to admit that there were any Chechens fighting on the side of the Syrian opposition. Ramzan Kadyrov tirelessly reassured the public that reports of Chechens being involved in the armed conflict in Syria were false (https://rusnovosti.ru/news/214102/). Kadyrov was apparently concerned... MORE

Shiite Enclaves North of Aleppo Becoming Staging Grounds for Hezbollah’s Next Offensive
The question of Hezbollah’s involvement in the Syrian civil war has become more intense following the recent capture of the strategic, central-western Syrian border city of al-Qusayr in Homs governorate to Syrian military and Hezbollah forces. After al-Qusayr fell, mass media reports emerged that Hezbollah... MORE

Moscow Puts Restrictions on Circassian Immigration to the North Caucasus
The Russian Ministry of Education recently awarded, on a “competitive basis,” funding for the education of foreign students to some of the country’s universities. Circassian activists expressed indignation over the fact that no educational institutions in either Kabardino-Balkaria or Adygea received funding for foreign students.... MORE

Using Syria to Inspire Jihad: A Profile of Lebanese Salafi Ahmad al-Assir
Tension between Sunnis and Shiites in Lebanon has risen over the last few years in response to the increasing influence of Hezbollah on Lebanese state institutions as well as a growing sense of marginalization among Sunnis in the country. This tension has been expressed in... MORE

Syrian Turkmen Join Opposition Forces in Pursuit of a New Syrian Identity
Syria’s Turkmen community is becoming increasingly involved in the country’s opposition movement. The mostly Sunni Turkmen of Syria represent a significant ethnic minority community that is located throughout the country, particularly in diverse and highly strategic areas that are currently the sites of significant conflict.... MORE

Russian S-300 Missiles Go to Syria in Defiance of West
The Barack Obama administration has been doing its best to befriend President Vladimir Putin’s regime, but seems to be failing. Despite intensive attempts by Europe, the United States and Israel to prevent Russian shipments of advanced S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Syria, President Bashar al-Assad announced... MORE

Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan’s Visit to Washington and Its Impact on Syrian Crisis
On May 16, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Washington with four issues on his agenda: the crisis in Syria; the future of Turkish-Israeli relations; Turkish-Iraqi relations, in which the Kurdish question and energy issues were the top priority; and a Transatlantic Trade and... MORE

Lebanese Salafist Cleric Organizes Militia Forays into Syria
With the militarization of the Syrian uprising complete, the makeup of the violent insurrection that is raging across Syria remains a topic of scrutiny. The assemblage of competing opposition forces persists in its attempts to coalesce a viable political front to challenge the Ba’athist regime,... MORE