Latest Articles about North Caucasus

Putin Signals He Will Stick to the Status Quo in Chechnya
The end of 2011 saw another visit by Vladimir Putin to Chechnya. Putin’s first visit to Chechnya took place on December 31, 1999, while he was still serving as prime minister under President Boris Yeltsin. (Putin visited neighboring Dagestan several months earlier -- in August... MORE

Authorities in the North Caucasus Try to Nip Signs of Popular Uprisings in the Bud
On January 2, a court in Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia penalized two people who had participated in a public protest, sentencing them to five and ten days of detention. On January 1, the well-known North Ossetian journalist Elina Marzoeva and the rights activist Ruslan Magkaev were... MORE

Relocating Syrian Circassians to the North Caucasus Poses Problems and Opportunities for Moscow
The end of 2011 saw a spike in violence in Kabardino-Balkaria. A series of high profile-killings of law enforcement agents followed the killings of several suspected insurgents. On December 31, the commander of a special police unit in Kabardino-Balkaria, Colonel Murat Shkhagumov, was gunned down... MORE

Russian Government Displays an Ingrained Lack of Novelty In Dealing With the North Caucasus
On December 15, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin held his now traditional annual phone-in press conference. During the phone-in, Putin mentioned the North Caucasus 21 times. It appeared that the Prime Minister still credits himself for bringing Chechnya back under Moscow’s control, as he mentioned the... MORE

Insurgency Related Violence Reported in Dagestan, Kabardino-Balkaria and Ingushetia
The founder of the Dagestani independent weekly newspaper Chernovik, Khadzhimurad Kamalov, was shot to death In Makhachkala late yesterday (December 15). The incident took place around 11:30 pm, local time, near the newspaper’s offices in the Dagestani capital. Kavkazsky Uzel reported that the murder was... MORE

Developments In the North Caucasus In 2011: Moscow Has Little to Cheer About
The end of the year is the time to review the year’s events. In the case of the North Caucasus, we can safely conclude that Russian authorities stopped hiding the fact that the situation in the region is alarming (www.kavkaz-uzel.ru/articles/195952/) and there are no signs... MORE

Support for Salafists Among Dagestani Youth Reaches Record Level
A survey in Dagestan has found that 20 percent of the republic’s youth consider themselves moderate Salafis. Only 10 percent of the respondents referred to themselves as Sufis – traditionally the main Muslim branch in Dagestan. The most educated among those who identified themselves as... MORE

Circassians Become Increasingly Disillusioned with Russia
On December 2, the Circassian Congress organization of Karachaevo-Cherkessia appealed to President Dmitry Medvedev to create the conditions “for unimpeded repatriation” of the Circassian diaspora in Syria to Russia and the North Caucasus. The chairman of the Circassian Congress, Kase Kika, claimed there are tens... MORE

What Russian Statistics On Militant Attacks In the North Caucasus Reveal
It is common practice to summarize the year’s events at its conclusion. Following this tradition, we can consider the figures concerning the situation in the North Caucasus, which is not improving, as the federal authorities in the Russian Federation would like to present it. The... MORE

No Let-up In Insurgency Related Violence In Dagestan
Dagestan’s Interior Ministry reported today (December 9) that a cache of weapons was discovered in Karabudakhentsky district on the Caspian Sea coast. According to the ministry, police found a bag containing four F-1 hand grenades, five RGD-5 grenades, an RPG-18 grenade launcher, a GP-25 under-barrel... MORE