Latest Articles about North Caucasus

Financial Defaults May Loom for North Caucasian Republics

Russian news agencies reported in early June that Novgorod Oblast in central Russia had become the country’s first region to default on its financial obligations. An official from the Novgorod financial department told RBK news agency that the region failed to make a payment of... MORE

What Caused the Demise of the Caucasus Emirate?

Nearly seven years ago, in the fall of 2007, Islamic militants in the North Caucasus who were unhappy with the ideology of independence for Ichkeria replaced it with an Islamic ideology and declared the formation of the Caucasus Emirate (Kavkazsky Uzel, December 29, 2014). The... MORE

Shapsugs Increasingly Important Players in Circassian Struggle With Moscow

Most analysts concerned with the Circassian issue in the North Caucasus have focused on the three republics where subgroups of that nation are the titular nationalities—Adygea, Karachaevo-Cherkessia and Kabardino-Balkaria—or on the enormous diasporas in Turkey, Jordan and elsewhere. But another player has emerged in the... MORE

Ethnic Russian Exodus From Karachaevo-Cherkessia Offers No Solution

Public figures rarely speak out against the existing political order in Karachaevo-Cherkessia, so the open letter from Nikolai Khokhlachyov, an ethnic-Russian activist in the republic, to Sergei Ivanov, the head of President Vladimir Putin’s administration, was surprising. Khokhlachyov called on Ivanov to appoint an ethnic... MORE

Moscow Views Cossacks as Both Opportunity and Threat

On May 29, the well-known Cossack ataman Yuri Churekov was arrested in Stavropol region. Investigators suspect Churekov of illegal arms operations. Reportedly, on April 28, Churekov and another individual sold two Kalashnikov automatic rifles to undercover government agents in the city of Goryachevodsk, Churekov’s hometown.... MORE

Estonian Parliament Meets With Circassian Activists

On June 4, the press service of the Riigikogu (Parliament of Estonia) announced that a group of members of the Estonian legislature met Circassian activists Iyad Youghar (United States), Adel Bashqawi (Jordan) and Dr. Nusret Baş (Turkey). The main issue on the meeting’s agenda was... MORE