Latest Articles about The Caucasus

Is Dagestan Now In the Midst of a “Real Guerrilla War?”
As the Newsru.com website wrote today (September 23), the situation in Dagestan, where insurgents have sharply increased the number of attacks, “is beginning to spin out of control and increasingly looks like a real guerrilla war.” In the suburbs of the capital Makhachkala today, the... MORE

Killings In Istanbul Just the Latest In Series of Murders of Chechens Abroad
The first reports of the killing of three Chechens after Friday prayers in Istanbul on September 16, indicated the incident may have been linked to the Caucasus Emirate (www.interfax.ru, September 16, 2011). Russian media tried to present the murders as being related to fighting with... MORE

Aliyev Announces Major Energy Discovery On State TV
The last several months have been full of good news for the national oil company of Azerbaijan. As the country prepares to celebrate the anniversary of the “Contract of the Century” (the main oil contract signed in 1994 between Azerbaijan and a consortium of western... MORE

Kremlin Remains Clueless About How to Mitigate Dangers for Foreign Investors In the North Caucasus
On September 16, the French state bank Caisse des Depots et Consignations and Russian state company Resorts of the North Caucasus signed an agreement on setting up a joint venture. The French bank promised to raise 10 billion Euros ($14.2 billion) within a year for... MORE

European Union Officially Endorses Trans-Caspian Pipeline to Link Up With Nabucco
Two decisions, adopted in quick succession by the Council of the EU and the European Commission, signify major advances in developing the European Union’s common external policy on energy. The EU has decided to negotiate with Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan on natural gas supplies; and in... MORE

New Details Emerge on the Repression of Journalists and Rights Activists in the North Caucasus
On September 14 in Moscow, rights activists held a press conference on the theme “The North Caucasus: Journalists and Human Rights Activists under Threat.” The head of European Division of the international organization Reporters Without Borders, Johann Beer, stated that freedom of press in the... MORE

Rebels Continue to Target Police In Several North Caucasus Hotspots
In Dagestan, the imam of the village of Kadar in the republic’s Buinaksk district was shot to death yesterday (September 15). The attack on Zainudin Daiziev took place around 10:20 p.m., local time, when two unidentified attackers shot him in his home of in the... MORE

Post-Soviet Groupings Face Security Challenges
The latest summit meeting of the major post-Soviet grouping pledged to intensify efforts to counter security challenges. However, this and other top-level gatherings of former Soviet states highlight increasing disagreements between member states on a variety of issues. The Kremlin has repeatedly prioritized a conflict-settlement... MORE

Warsaw Pact, CIS Peacekeeping, CSTO Operations: Moscow Develops “Collective” Intervention Concept (Part Two)
Emboldened by international tolerance of its seizure of Moldovan territory in 1992 (see Part One in EDM, September 15), but still unable to muster support on the state level within the CIS, Russia experimented with “collective” peacekeeping at the sub-state level against Georgia in South... MORE

Yerevan In Fresh Threat to Annul Turkish-Armenian Accords
Armenia appears to be edging closer to formally annulling its Western-backed normalization agreements with Turkey because of Ankara’s refusal to ratify them before a resolution of the Karabakh conflict. Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan indicated on August 30 that the Turkish government has just a few... MORE