Latest Articles about Georgia
The Scent Of Revolution Drifts To South Ossetia
Secretary of the Russian Security Council Igor Ivanov paid an urgent visit to Tbilisi on May 17 to negotiate with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili and other top officials on the position of the Georgian breakaway regions. Symptomatically, Ivanov's visit followed shortly after U.S. National Security... MORE
Right Time For Georgia To Press For Early Withdrawal Of Russian Forces
Political renewal in Georgia, and the appealing international image of its leadership, have created the right context for a Western-assisted Georgian effort to commit the Kremlin to an early withdrawal of Russian forces from the country. Under the adapted Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe... MORE
Abashidze Falls, Power Shifts In The South Caucasus
In the early hours on May 6, Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili announced that Ajarian leader Aslan Abashidze had fled the region and that the central government had restored control over the renegade republic. A long and potentially violent stand-off between the Saakashvili administration and Ajaria's... MORE
Ajarian Crisis Threatens To Escalate
A conflict between Georgia's federal government in Tbilisi and the leadership of the renegade republic of Ajaria has reached a dangerous point over the past two days. On May 2, Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili demanded that Ajaria's strongman, Aslan Abashidze, disarm his "illegal units" within... MORE