Latest Articles about Turkey

US-Turkish Security Cooperation Deepens

The US-Turkish bilateral relationship is entering a new period of cooperation. While part of the positive mood characterizing the relationship is attributable to the US-Turkish coordinated action in the context of the Arab Spring, the recent changes in Turkey’s threat perceptions have also played a... MORE

Turkey Clears the Way For Azerbaijani Gas Transfers

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev have co-chaired the first meeting of the High-Level Strategic Cooperation Council (HLSCC) in Turkey’s Aegean city of Izmir. The HLSCC, which follows on the partnership model Turkey has been seeking to develop with neighboring... MORE

Arab Spring Sees Turkish-Iranian Rivalry Take a New Turn

Turkey’s decision to host a NATO early warning radar in the US-led missile defense program continues to reverberate, especially for its relations with Iran. High ranking Iranian officials repeatedly criticize not only Turkey’s cooperation with the United States on the missile shield, but also Ankara’s... MORE

Turkey Seeks Price Cut On Russian Gas

Turkey has joined the growing ranks of claimants to revision of their contracts with Gazprom. On September 29, Turkish Energy Minister, Taner Yildiz, warned that Turkey would end a 25-year-old supply agreement with Gazprom, unless the latter reduces the price of gas. Taner issued this... MORE

Duran Kalkan: The Turk Fighting for Kurdish Irredentism

The Partiya Karkerên Kurdistan (PKK – Kurdistan Workers Party) is a highly centralized organization guided by an almost cult-like worship of its imprisoned leader Abdullah Öcalan. There are however other individuals within the PKK who play a central role in its insurgent strategies and financing, like... MORE