Latest Articles about Turkey

The Ergenekon Investigation May Reveal JITEM’s Dirty Past

The investigation of the neo-nationalist criminal Ergenekon network involving military and police officers, politicians, media members, labor union leaders, and political strategists is continuing. In the 11th wave of arrests, on January 22, 40 people were detained including 10 police officers, nine active duty military... MORE

Israeli-Turkish Relations Put to the Test

How much Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan damaged Israeli-Turkish relations with his harsh criticism of Israel for its three-week assault Gaza will probably become apparent in the coming weeks or months. Erdogan’s foreign policy advisor, Ahmet Davutoglu, told a group of journalists in Istanbul... MORE

Turkey Retracts Warning to Nabucco and the EU

On January 19 in Brussels, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened to “reconsider” his country’s participation in the Nabucco gas transit pipeline project unless the European Union promptly opened negotiations on the energy chapter in Turkey’s EU accession process (see EDM, January 20). The... MORE

Obama Brings New Hopes for Turkey

President Barack Obama’s inaugural address has been warmly welcomed by the Turkish media. Three of his statements have been commonly praised by the Turkish press: his warm message to the Muslim world, the virtue of democracy, and hope for the future. The liberal daily Radikal... MORE