Latest Articles about Turkey

The Turkey-IMF Stand-By Accord: a Never-Ending Symphony?

The Turkish government’s handling of the economic crisis continues to draw criticism. Business leaders and investors have been insisting that urgent measures are needed to protect the economy. An expert from Moody’s maintained that without a new IMF program, Turkey could face recession in one... MORE

Gul Hosts Karzai and Zardari for a Trilateral Summit in Istanbul

Turkey is hosting another major international gathering, marking its growing profile in regional and international diplomacy. Turkish President Abdullah Gul has brought together Afghan President Hamid Karzai and Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari in a trilateral meeting being held in Istanbul on December 5 (,... MORE

President Abdullah Gul Takes an Active Role in Easing Kurdish Unrest

During his visits to different cities in the Kurdish region in early November, Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan encountered forceful street protests encouraged by the Democratic Society Party (DTP). Erdogan created deep concern during these visits with his ultranationalist statements. He went so far as to... MORE

Can Turkey’s AKP Survive the Upcoming Local Elections?

Turkish politics is entering a new era of contestation and heightened debate with the approach of the March 2009 municipal elections. The influence of partisan politics in local elections is usually moderate, but Turkish experts generally believe that municipal elections have been shaped by trends... MORE

Ergenekon’s Alliance with the Eurasia Movement in Russia

The daily Sabah has published a document from February 7, 1997, about Tuncay Guney, a former journalist who worked in various news outlets and is now seeking asylum in Canada. Guney is revealed to have been an informant for the Turkish National Intelligence Service (MIT),... MORE

Armenian Foreign Minister Visits Turkey, Reaffirms Determination for Dialogue

Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Armenia continue to take steps toward resolving their problems through diplomatic channels. High-level meetings coinciding with international gatherings have become an ordinary development, showing the confidence and progress gained so far.Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian visited Turkey on November 24 to discuss... MORE